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What has BM done to just "Mess" with You?

EasierSaidThanDone's picture

My DH has a very high conflict BM. She has done many things over the years to try to get under my skin. Two things stick out where she has gone out of her way to just "mess" with me. I would let my fuel points accumulate through my Kroger rewards card and would redeem them once I had 70-80 cents built up. Meaning I would get 70-80 cents off on each gallon of gas. I have a vehicle that holds 25 gallons, so it adds up to a nice savings. I noticed several times when I would go to redeem them that my balance would be 0 or low like only 10-20 cents off, I would think WTF? Well, I had the oldest SD in the car with me one day when this happened, I told her, "I don't understand what is going on, I should have way more saved up on my card". She then admitted that her mom had been stealing my gas points. Crazy! Of course I couldn't confront BM about this or SD would have gotten in trouble. So, I just changed my code from the standard use which was my phone number to keep her from doing this again.

Second instance that sticks out in my memory, BM signed up for Victoria's Secret mailing list with her name on it, mailing it to my address. I know she did this on purpose since she had never lived at my address before. So, it isn't like it was old mail still coming here. The joke was on her because coupons for free panties and $20 off bras were being delivered to my house, which I used. Lol. 

What are your crazy stories of BM's going out of their way to mess with you?


CLove's picture

BM doesnt mess with me. We are no contact. She DOES mess with DH and that gets back to me. 

tog redux's picture

BM didn't mess with me. BUT, your story reminded me of the time that DH got a "welcome" email from a website for "swingers".  It told him his log on and password (great security, put the password in the email) and the password was the exact same password that BM had used for SS's email account. I'm sure it didn't occur to her that they'd tell him the password.  Since then, we assume any weird junk mail we get is from her (we get tons for hearing tests and old people homes, but that might just be because we are ... old). 


EasierSaidThanDone's picture

It reminds me that my DH was also "mysteriously" signed up for the dating site, Plenty of Fish, not too long after we started dating! I am sure BM was behind that too, even though I can't prove that one!

GrudgingSM's picture

It wasn't to mess with me, but the very first time I met BM she told me she created a fake dating account to match with my partner and mess with him. She also told me her middle daughter had snuck her into my partner's house when he was traveling for a work trip to go through my drawer at his place. Which are such big transgressions in and of themselves, but also the mind game of telling me that is...I don't know. I guess I knew I needed rock solid boundaries from the get go. 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

and have for years and it does enrage me.  It was never her house.  It's been my house that I paid for from before I met him!

so years and years ago, I went through a breast cancer scare.  When my now DD7 was born I got a severe case of mastitis.  My boob turned into a red angry bowling ball, no joke.  I was admitted to the hospital for like four days.  A surgeon had to make a cut and sour nasty milk sprayed into a bucket basically and I was put on IV antibiotics.  Well left over from that, I guess I had a dead milk duct and it presented like cancer.  I had the dimpling of the skin and inverted nipple, etc.  Of couse it turned out to be related to the first surgery but my doctor thought I had cancer.  I had to have a bunch of tests done and I had to have a bunch of biopsies and scans and it was a good long month to be cleared.  Well my doctor said I had to take a picture daily of my changing breast tissue.  So I had a camera with a memory card that I did just that with and I took a picture of my red, angry, inverted nipple, orange peel medically gross sick breast every day for a month per doctor's orders. This camera is in the back of my underwear drawer.

Oldest Sd was at my house and was snooping apparently.  She obviously found it and shared with North Korea that I had photos of my breast on a camera in my sock drawer.

After this visit from SD, the next day I get snotty nasty text messages from good ole north about how I should really do a better job of hiding my homemade porn cause SD found pictures of my naked breast.  I had to tell North Korea about my medical situation which was the last person I ever wanted to tell and of course she was a raging nasty b about it and I ended up having to block North that day and she's been blocked pretty much ever since.  I told her she lost the privelage of having my phone number and that she was a boundary crosser and I was done.       

CLove's picture

Im so sorry! That is the most aweful thing.

IDontCare3117's picture

Does my late fiance's lunatic ex-wife count?  She called my employer to claim I had kidnapped my fiance and was holding him against his will in a hotel room.   The reality?  We had spent 3 days in his high rise condo which also had a luxury hotel attached to it.  He could go anywhere he wanted, call anyone he wanted.  There was no reason to go out because, well, we had a beautiful view from his balcony, and a king-sized bed to frolic in.

Top that for crazy.

lieutenant_dad's picture

The worst ET has done is flirt with DH in front of me. Number of fracks given is zero.

Not my story, but one from work. Our office building went on lockdown because someone who worked in the building said their ex was on their way with a gun to kill them. They couldn't get ahold of their ex and neither could the cops, and the ex worked within walking distance of the building.

Come to find out, the ex was working in the basement of their office building which is why they never got the texts. Also found out that they weren't planning to do anything, but had recently found out that the person in my building has been having an affair with a coworker, so the ex was in the process of moving out.

When the person in my building was asked why they thought their ex was planning to murder them, they apparently said that they weren't *directly* threatened, but the ex had move their guns out of their mutual home the previous evening, and what else could they have needed them for?!

Some people...

missgingersnap2021's picture

When DH and I were first dating (less then a year in) she decied she wanted him back and starting calling and DH all kinds of things like how she still loves him, it would be good for SD if they got back together, they could go to church for counseling, etc etc. She would text super early on a Sat or Sunday (knowing I was in bed with him) and when he made it clear he ddin't want to get back with her she had a "mental breakdown". I called BS on that. She just wanted to be dramtic and also go into a place for therapy for a few weeks leaving DH to be fulltime with SD. I hated those weeks since we didnt get our days without SD but I stuck through it.

PetSpoiler's picture

BM would make comments from time to time but I saw it for what it was.  Once she told me that when SS was born she couldn't have him circumsized  because they didn't have big enough surgical tools to do the procedure.  She told me she said well he must be built like his daddy.  I just said ok.  She was hoping for a reaction but I didn't give her one.  She'd say stuff about SS being the only thing they did right. I got the impression that she wanted me to think that they were just so in love but I knew the truth so I'd just be like oh, ok.  She eventually stopped.  I think once she got over the fact that they weren't together anymore she got to where she liked me.  Or it may have been reversed, she got to know me, decided she liked me, then stopped the games and comments.  Either way I'm glad she stopped.  

harmony98's picture

17 years after separation. I have been married to the DH for 14 years.

at a meet up with DH  BM and skids she pulls out a box of wedding favours from their wedding day i mean really move on.

this was this year 

bertieb's picture

BM told DH she wanted the washer and dryer she had been told would be hers in the separation agreement 2 years earlier but which she didn't seem to need.  She asked for it back the week before our wedding, ha ha. She tried to get to me but, yeah, I got a brand new washer and dryer when I moved in and she looked like the small minded bitter pill she is.