Step kids and manipulation.
I have been with my boyfriend for going on 11 years and have had nothing but problems from his ex and their two children. My stepson is now 13 and my stepdaughter is 11 and they have been manipulating their grandparents, mom and dad for quite some time now. They will do things at my house to where their dad will not discipline them so I step in to somewhat discipline them and then they run home and tell their mom that I have threatened them etc. She went to court and got full legal and physical custody of the kids when my boyfriend and I first got together. Custody papers say I cannot discipline them or be alone with them at any time.... Which makes no sense because I have never done anything to harm them or their mother. It's one of those cases where the mom is jealous of the new girlfriend... Etc. Anyways, the mom has been putting it in their heads since a hound age that I am a bad person, my kids are bad etc. They act out when they are here which I think is a cry for attention from their dad. They do things wrong they don't get in trouble. But my kids do the same and he is all over them. He only gets them every other weekend from Sat till Sunday and dosent want to discipline them bc he hardly sees them. Which to me is wrong. They get by with everything because he feels guilty because he doesn't have them more... But he totally disregards my feelings about these situations... It has been a nightmare. I love his kids but there is only so much that I can take. Like his son screaming in my face to shut up.... With no discipline.... But if my child ever thought of doing this to me my bf would be all over my kid. The mom has taught them well on how to manipulate everyone around them. When they are at my house they are spoiled and can do what they want including being bullies to my children. Just like the weekend before last when my stepson talked my 11 year old son into going outside while we were all asleep and burning cardboard. I made them both go out and clean the mess up then made the stand in the corner while explaing to them what the did was wrong and they could have burned the house down. Then later that day his son was hard core picking on my daughter who is 10, she poked fun back at him then he told her that if she made fun of him again which he started it all that he was going to bash her head in. I told him no he wouldn't. Then my stepson and stepdaughterwent home and told there mom that I was threatening him. My stepson had even punched through a window and had to have stitches on his wrist doc said if he would have been any further to the one side that he could have bled to death.... But the mom and my boyfriend seems to think that their is nothing wrong with him. He told me that his Mon knows that he burns stuff and he doesn't get in trouble.I have been the only constant significant other in the kids lives. The mom has had one boyfriend after another in and out of their lives and even married this last one who is verbally abusive. What do I do?
- Eanderson's blog
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I'd refuse to have them in my
I'd refuse to have them in my home. They are becoming a threat to your children and that is where I'd draw the line. Your SO will have to find another way to take his visitation. Your first duty is to protect your children.
Yeah I would have a come to
Yeah I would have a come to Jesus talk with your SO. He is allowing a 13yr old to scream shut up at you? And burn things. Your kids are your priority. The good news is that you are not married, so if you sit him down and he refuses to stop this nonsense now, you don't have to stay. Which would probably be the best thing for your and your kids if he refuses to step up and discipline and not allow this behavior.
He has to see his kids outside of
Your home. You can not allow this to go on. Your bio will understand they can do the same thing. You can not let these kids burn down yoir home. Come on take a stand
Obsession with fire is a bad omen
My mother worked with troubled kids and they all knew if they got caught setting fires, they were off tonreal juvie. Yeah, it’s time to separate households or have your SO do visitation elsewhere. Or put the kid in a live-in group home that specializes in deviant behavior.
He needs to see his kid away
He needs to see his kid away from you and your home. Her behaviour is unacceptable.
Wait - so if you've been with
Wait - so if you've been with him for nearly 11 years and he has an 11 year-old and you have an 11-year-old and a 10-year-old...
Are your kids also HIS bio kids? I'm assuming at least the 10-year-old is a joint child? Did the marriage break up while his ex was pregnant? Did he have 2 women pregnant at the same time?
None of these questions excuse the kids' behavior...just trying to get a better lay of the land and how much guilt may be playing a part in his parenting decisions. If your kids are also his bios...why isn't he protecting his kids and his home?
Please don't make your kids
stay in what is becoming a dangerous situation - it is not fair to them. Not sure if DH is the bio father of your kids, if he is not why is he discipline your kids when you are not suppose to do the revers?