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See Who is watching now....

dreamingofhappiness's picture

I have absolutely no idea waht some of these initials are that people are using... I can figure some out... but WHOLY COW... LOL

My Daily Rant....

I amso tired of leeches... You use the government, you use your ex, you expect the world owes you everything. You tried to re-educate yourself... Adn none of it worked... Grow up.

I proudly graduated high school with A's and B's.... Graduated College courses with straight A's. Went to a Tech School, again straight A's, and you got a ged... HHHHHMMMMM... and you think you threaten me? Bitch you have no freaking clue what it means to know who the threats are and where the ignorance comes from when it comes from the step kids...

Maybe, just maybe, one day, you will grow up and realize you have nothing to threaten me with. The more you come after me, the more a fool you will look in the end. The more you lie to children, the more you will be the one hated in the long run....

Go climb under your littel rock, find your own fucking job, and quit trying to have your EX HUSBAND support you and your lavish life you chose to live with out a job...

I've got it all figured out... So get prepared... Because now you just done pisse dme right the fuck off.


Lauren1438's picture

I completely agree, my future husbands BM is in for a world of trouble once I have the ring on my finger. That whore is going down. She knows I have a job but she doesn't know that I work for a law office with three child custody and support lawyers. All of whom love me and told me that free of charge they will take her down, all we have to do is pay the filing and court fees :)I cant wait. My FDH is a little nervous but what he doesn't realize is one of these attorneys has NEVER lost a custody battle, and he only represents the bio dads. I cant wait, I am just talking whatever she does like a little punching bag which she loves I can not wait for her wake up call. It will be amazing.

dreamingofhappiness's picture

I wish I had those kind of connections... God do I wish I had those kind of connections....