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Do you fight what skid wears?

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Today we are going out to eat and see a movie with family and a friend.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and uncomfortable constantly but DH always dresses nice which annoys me on days I can't seem to find something comfy to wear.
He says I can dress like a bum in sweats and a tank and flip flops because I can use my pregnancy as an excuse. Still I hate walking around him looking dingy while he looks nice.

Anyway. So I'm dressed nice like DH. Though I'd love to take off these clothes and throw on a robe, I figured we can get out of the house and look nice doing it.

I told SD that I needed to see what she picked to wear but then told DH to just take care of it because I was busy getting ready.

We have so many nice clothes for SD.
BM is white trash and SD is always dressed nasty when we see her (at events)
And of course, when we get her for visitations, BM has her wear crappy clothes and these stupid old ugly worn out bratz pink flip flops that I can't stand.

We have plenty of nice sandals for SD to wear, she doesn't need to wear those flip flops.
Anyway, after getting ready I walked out and see this child with her hair in a messy ponytail with a white wrinkly tank top (she didn't want DH to iron it - he offered), shorts a little too short with a necklace choker and those damn flip flops. She's also carrying around a purse with dogs all over it.

She looks silly. Yes, in her own way it's kinda cute. But we told her to dress nice and DH was afraid of my reaction because SD wanted to wear that so DH just let it go.
I told her she looked cute. - cause, you know, she is kinda cute.

DH wispered to me "really? You think she looks cute?"
And I wipsered back "uh no".
He made a face like he was offended. Seriously?

But I don't have the energy or care in the world right now to make her change and wait longer.
I took a picture of her for future references Wink let kids be kids right?
I'm secretly annoyed about it but I'm also just like "whatever".

I do think I'm going to throw away those damn flip flops though and tell Bm they broke.


DarkStar's picture

When SD11 comes out wearing a dress with jeans underneath and a mismatched hoodie, I just shrug and say, "OK let's go!"

When SD16 comes out wearing short shorts and a tank top with bright blue bra poking out, I say, "She changes, or I don't go (or she doesn't go depending on what we're doing)

Mercury's picture

I might catch hell for this. Yes, in the very beginning I did care. BM knows DH and I aren't religious so she used to send the kids over with nothing but religious themed t-shirts. It was so obvious it was almost funny. I got so sick of seeing the same stupid shirts over and over again. One day DH took them to Target, got some cute cheap replacements while I made the old ones "disappear".

Now that the kids are in middle school, I don't care. I rarely go out in public with them anyway. They are both at an age where they pick out their own clothes and those old BM antics don't work anymore.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

Lol. I know. Sometimes I think it's embarrassing or like people are going to think she's mine.
I'm totally throwing out those flip flops though. They are so gross.

Right now she's six. So part of me just "shrugs" it off.
But Im sure when she's older and dresses like a fool, I'll probably fight it.

Sports Fan's picture

The only time I ever cared was our wedding. Other than that, I could care less. DH pays a "lot" of child support so we really don't buy clothes for them. DH only sees them 6 days a month. If BM buys them pathetic clothes, that's what they wear. When Dh retires from the Navy, we will buy them something nice to wear for the ceremony.

onstrike's picture

Sd8 dresses ridiculously bad. Bm puts her in ill fitting,too short shorts, and clothes that look cheap and trashy. It is so embarrassing. We buy her nice things to change into because I refuse to be seen with her looking like a mess.

DoubleUteeEFF's picture

What do you guys tell skids?

Like do you tell them their outfit is ridiculous and they have to change?
Sd is only 6 and can sometimes be sensitive so I don't want to hurt her feelings.
Sometimes we joke that she dresses like she's from "___" (the town her and BM live in - which is all trashy, trailer trash, inbreds)
Sorry but it's true about that place. It's gross and small and polluted. I wouldn't drink the water there or ever go fishing there.

sd doesn't get it when we say that. It's more so a joke between DH and I and MIL.
However I do get pissed off that we spend our money (DH pays a lot in CS too) on NICE clothes and shoes for her to have in our house and she dresses like a trailer park child.

Ljcapp1's picture

I don't care what clothes look like except two instances. Christmas Day we have all our families come to our house at 1pm for lunch and a get-together. Sd17 and sd23 were still in thin pj tops and pj bottoms and I told them to go put some clothes on. And another time ( most of the time) sd 17 wears really low cut shirts and she's a triple DDD bra and it's too revealing. I've told her to put a top on before when we go to dinner etc.