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doormatt's picture

Oh dad the evil sm is saying things about me. Please don't get mad at me daaaaaaad. I thought you should know... but oh I'm not going to let you know about all the crap I have said about sm or to her over the years because I'm perfect..... puhleeeeze. And the sad part is dh probably thinks sd is.


Need2Breathe's picture

Oh I know it well. The three-syllable whine of 'Daaaaaad'. That is about the most annoying thing ever.

Need2Breathe's picture

OMG! I didn't realize! I don't know whether to laugh or throw up in my mouth. :jawdrop: Please tell me he doesn't cave in.

doormatt's picture

Oh he probably will...lord knows he finds an excuse for everything she does wrong but if I even blink wrong at the mention of her name, he goes bonkers. Nothing is ever Ms perfect's fault.