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End of his summer

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Summer visitation is over tomorrow. I think over all it went really well. Now for the let down.

SO is always understandably upset when he has to take the kids back. I expect it to be worse since he's had them so long.

On a good note he got an email from the lawyer today about the settlement. Hopefully he'll hear back from hers soon and she agrees to his request.


Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Thank you. We have plans to just spend some well needed quality time together after then Saturday I'm gonna spend a few hours with my mom so he can have a bit of time to himself to figure out how he's feeling.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Agreed. I know he's worried about how the kids will take it also. He reminded them about going back a few days ago and son's behavior has been escalating. It's a struggle because both kids are so young and just trying to understand. Hopefully each year makes it a bit easier, we can dream right?