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discouraged's picture

So now I see why some moms are glad when summer is over...I never felt that way with my BioD but now having SS7 I understand. First day and he starts on my instantly. What could I have possibly done other than be in the house, oh wait that's right, that's all it takes.

Saturday morning his Dad was getting ready to go up to the ballfield to help do some work and SS7 was going to go with him so I made sure like always that I got his breakfast ready. Then he started on me. I said you know your Dad is here why are you acting this way and he actually said, "I'll stop when he comes out." Are you freaking kidding me!!! How nice to know where I stand.

If you haven't seen my "so confused" post. Here is the deal: SS7's mother was a mom that let him do whatever, whenever-didn't matter if it was safe or not-hence the reason he hates me. I am a mom that is concerned and will make sure that children that live with me are as safe as possible. For instance one day he was mad at me and when I walked in his room he was sticking things in the electrical outlet. I pushed the toy out of his hand and he screamed that I hurt him...would he rather me let him get shocked (by the way this was not the first time I told him not to do it)? He has 2 half sisters by his mother (one who was very sexually active very young, the other more rebellious than most 13 year olds) and a half brother who is 19 with 4 children, no job, has had a criminal record since he was 6 and just got out of jail for the 4th time in the last year - way to go justice system. I won't go into detail about all of the arrests but let's just say he impersonates law enforcement... My SS has seen police officers come into his mother's house and take his brother away in handcuffs, his mother smoking things that weren't tobacco, and a lot of other things I won't mention. Now to the bad part, his mother passed away 18 months ago.

Before she passed he really liked me, now I am literallly the wicked witch. The crappy part is I can't prove anything since his mother is gone. She said some horrible stuff about me and honestly about SS7 too. She called my DH mother and told her that if she wouldn't have had my SS than DH woudldn't have left (WHILE MY SS WAS SITTING BESIDE HER) my MIL heard him crying in the background. Can we say mother of the year award???????

I understand his loyalty to his mom-totally. Sad thing is it is getting harder and harder to deal with the pure hatred, contempt and anger that I alone get from him. Sure he gets upset with his Dad but the anger w/me is unreal. He gets so mad that he screams, attempts to throw things at me, hits me, and while doing all of this he never looks at me just the ceiling.

Numerous psych consults have said ODD, PTSD, ADHD, and mulitple anxiety disorders are a lot of the issues. However, what I see are just actions from a kid that doesn't want to listen since he didn't have to the first full 5 years of his life and. Besides the ADHD meds are to help him focus not to be "a good boy" as he puts it, and he has said that many times. If it were to make him a good boy why is he still behaving worse than any child I have ever seen or met? And that's no exaggeration, believe me.

So anyway, any suggestions on how I should go about working through this during the summer? I will be starting work again soon but we will only need a sitter for 2 hours a day, unfortunately my BioD will not be watching him because he feels he is the boss (which he tells me on a daily basis). Once we get caught up on our bills it won't be so hard to afford a sitter but right now we are totally strapped-and the reason I quit working was to be home with him to help him-what a flippin joke. If anything that made it worse.

Not to mention I will be working nights-it's a good job and I can't wait but honestly I worry about my relationship with my BioD and my DH. SS7's goal is to get me out of his and my DH's life. I fear that this night job will do it. Financially and benefit wise we need me to get this job but what do I do when DH and I really have no time together - right now at least we can sit on the couch, even with him trying to get in the middle and stop us from talking or just spending time alone.

Really just feeling down today, hopefully tomorrow will be better Sad


discouraged's picture

Honestly that's how I was raised and I did that with my BioD which I feel is why she turned out so well! Thing is I have spanked him and I'll be damned as soon as it is over he will laugh and say it didn't hurt-I know it did! But it doesn't work nor does taking everything out of his room other than his bed and clothes. I've never dealt with a kid like this I'm telling you it makes me question my very being and everything i have ever known!! But please know I have done that, time out (which I think is a joke), and standing him in a corner none of it works-insanity here in my house. I understand the hiding comment but truth be told I'm not - I've always worked two jobs, and honestly even with social security the boy gets it doesn't come close to what it costs to raise him-if you only knew, plus my child is suffering and I'm really not happy about that. But thanks for putting that on here it feels good to know that there are still some people out there that agree with a paddling to get the point right now I asked him to get dressed (and he is bawling about it? SERIOUSLY??????

newmom01's picture

I say it over and over on this site....i am amazed at how smart these kids are! They really do know how to mess up a relationship and get you guys to argue! I have 2 ss's they tried that stuff about three years ago (being mean and disrespectful...take that back it was just the oldest one they are 1 year apart) the youngest one always was nice to me but he was always honest by saying my mom does not like you (out of the blue)...and I would say why he would just smile and shrug his shoulders and say I dont know...the oldest would actually call me names...when I told DH he really took care of it right away!!! I was glad to see that...Now they are happy to see me and are respectful ..Im sure thier mom still says stuff and uses them as spies to find out what goes on in my house...but they are old enough now to know what they are doing and saying 8 and 9......The only thing the oldest one does now is lay guilt trips on his dad....because now me a DH have our own 2 sons 16 months and 2 months and now DH is pooped and he does not do all that EXTRA stuff and extra stay over days anymore Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Blum 3 but DH will still get them on the weekends like he is suppose to, but he takes them home at 5:00 or 6:00 pm and not let them stay till monday and all that stuff because I need help with our would say "Boy I sure wish we could stay longer this was a short stay" !!!! He is smart !!!and know just how to tug at dads heart strings, got that from his momma!

discouraged's picture

You are so right. One therapist actually said do not underestimate this child. He may be 7 but with what all he has seen he has the "negative" mentality of a 15 year old-if only other people could see it. Sad thing is DH tries so hard to get him to understand and behave the right way. I can't imagine how I would feel if that were my blood, you know? BUT because of the kill and hurt comments I lock my door everynight-specifically because of what the therapist said. Talk about misery.

newmom01's picture

At foxie that would be nice, but not these days, lay a hand on the kid and all hell will break loose!!!! you will have to deal with BM, your own DH, and probably your MIL putting her own two cents in....I agree with you, but these kids do that crap because they know they can get away with it ...DH does not want to spank because he feels "Guilty" and does not want to be the mean parent ...and the SM cant spank because BM will swear that the SM is abusing, or sexually asaulting the brat (by touching/spanking bottom ..clothes on!!!) The BM will blow everything up...

Raisin's picture

Its totally illegal to spank kids here, parents get arrested, zero tolerance.

A father has just been sent to prison for clippin his 7 year old son round the ear after he biked across the intersection in front of a car and didnt listen to his father saying stop. He was reported by an observer of the situation, who agreed yes the child was acting in a way that was endangering his life.

My SS10 at the time wouldnt let me sit on the couch, he had his legs stretched out to stop me, I picked up his legs and swung them out and he called the hotline on me.

Its crazy as his BM has slapped his face for calling her names and smacked his legs and he wouldnt dare even challenge it. So hard being the SM.

discouraged's picture

That blows my mind that they would put the father in jail for that!!! So they would rather the child get hit by a car??

So after all that happened yesterday I had him spend the day outside, what a punishment right lol. He got to play all day, it was perfect outside. Yet he wanted to cry and bawl about it? When the day before he was out there for like 6 hours (of course it was his choice then) and it was way hotter out.

I didn't stay home last evening, my BioD and I went away for a little bit-wow was that needed. It's a shame how that child can bring a wedge between my daughter and and why did I let that happen?? It seems that in the time since his mother died I have let him become the one that takes all of my attention while my girl stands on the outside. After last night I have realized what I have lost I am putting a stop to that. SS7 will not get all of my attention-I have told him over and over that he is not the only child in the house and to be mindful of that - looks like I have helped in showing that he IS the only one, because HE is the only one that gets 90% of my attention...sadly it's all negative.

Trying to start a new day the right way. Take care all, and thanks again for your posts!