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I hate that the Ex-wife EXISTS!!

decofru's picture

You wont really know all the boring parts about being a step mom or step wife until you are facing it bit by bit. So yesterday i passed by DH's work place and i find him with an old friend of his. He introduces me to him and says "meet my wife", and the guy looks at me unconvinced and is like "i know your wife and that's not her" he thought DH was kidding. It sucks that for 10 years DH has been known as some one else's husband and im just the "new" wife that not everyone in his life has heard of. I hate the fact that there is an Ex wife and New wife!!!! DH went on to say "this really is my wife", the guy replied "okay, i guess you have changed a wife". Frankly i found the guy to be rude and uncivilised to be saying that in front of me. How the hell was i supposed to feel when its rubbed in my face that Im the replacement of the original wife that everyone has known for 10 years!! "You have changed a wife", who says that?? It's like the new wife is just not accepted or valued as much as the first wife.


MoominMama's picture

He was incredibly rude, I agree.  You should have just said 'yes, I'm the upgrade'.

There are always people, ex friends of them etc that take sides. We have been the victims of this too. When people say 'oh we won't take sides, we will stay friends with both sides' DO NOT believe this, it is a lie so that they can spy and report to BM. Eventually they ALL do it.

Just try to take the high road, you are the now wife, the upgrade. 

decofru's picture

YES IM THE UPGRADE, i like the sound of that. DH should had replied that way, seems he felt bad for me, he just wanted the guy to believe he is mistaken, I'm the only wife he has had but the rude guy couldnt be deceived. Most times when we bump into his old friends that i dont know, they have this shocked, surprised look to see him walking with a different woman from BM its like they would have caught jim cheating, me being the mistress. I just comfort myself with saying, he divorced BM for a reason and he is mine now. I will never get to know how it feels to be the first wife but i hope i will be the LAST

Maria10's picture

Reply: Yes Im THE wife! And YOU are? Aww you know HIS EX how lovely. Please do tell her myself and DH said hello!( shake his hand with your left so he can get a good look at wedding set- then walk away)

In my case I have known DH for a long time before his BMs even met him. He has also never married them. I am the ONLY wife( and yes I rub it in- not the classiest but gives me pleasure). 

That guy was very rude! I would let the ex wife be friends with him lol. My secret amusement!

justmakingthebest's picture

I don't think I could have helped myself- I would have told him just how rude he was! I would have also probably said that his wife should start looking for an upgrade too... but I can be a B when pissed off. 

classyNJ's picture

This is horrible but when my ex-husband died he was remarried to a woman he cheated on me with. 

He remarried so quickly after the divorce that most of his family and friends did not even know.  He was in the army and married her when he was home for a visit.  

I did not attend the funeral as I was 1,500 miles away on vacation.  

When I spoke to his mother she was laughing saying that people were walking up to his wife and saying "Im am so sorry for your loss Classy."  His wife was PISSED!  She announced at the cemetary that her name was Whatever and she was NOT Classy.  

He married a girl that looked just like me but 30 pounds heavier and 10 years older.

I love dogs's picture

That guy was definitely an ass and has no common sense. Who says that?? Thankfully, I have the opposite problem and everyone knows I'm the upgrade.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Break his nose...

I mean... Smile and wave... Then trip him as he walks away...

Or just glare...

marblefawn's picture

I had a run in with an old friend of my husband.The guy kept talking about my husband's ex, how beautiful she was, asking how she's doing...and there I sat, a newlywed, listening to this. The guy didn't ask anything about me. And my husband didn't say anything to him to prompt him to stop. What's always made it easier is that my husband's first marriage was a disaster, so I don't usually feel that awkwardness of being "second."

I dated so many people I never think about anymore. That's how I look at his ex-wife -- a girlfriend situation that went too far! I mean, what is divorce but a giant mistake? How can I feel bad about being second when the first ended so badly?

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

For me. It's not that I'm jealous. Or that my DH makes me feel "second." It's that I'm territorial over him. He is mine. Not hers. Therefore she shouldn't be treated as or referenced to as anything connected to him outside of the skids. Period. Thankfully DH agrees or else there would be issues.

CLove's picture

"and thats not her" bit, that was so rude!!! You must have been a bit shocked by the extent of his rudeness. When I get shocked, I really have no words (until later, then they just FLOW). If this cretin ever comes into your presence, you will have an arsenal of things to say! From this posting, and the responses. You can make certain to bump into this windbag again and say any of the above. "Hi, remember me, the UPGRADE?" LOL. Or "Hey there, remember me, I am THE wife." Or if your feeling cheeky, you can mess with this dude. Say "you know what, we were messing with you, I am actually just the MISTRESS and he has been cheating on her this whole time, but we are really open about it." Then laugh all the way home.