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Just kids or annoying as hell

Dc3sc2's picture

It's skid weekend which is depressing enough as it is but sd10 decided she would FaceTime my dd10 to show her the stuff she is packing (to come here) and to ask my ds if she should bring some fidget toys? My son honestly doesn't care what she brings and if she wants her to see something why doesn't she just wait another hour or so until she's here. Maybe it's just kids but mine thought it was a bit weird. X


GrudgingSM's picture

I agree it can be both, but if they have the instinct that it's weird, then it probably is weird. I definitely notice when my skids do things to compare me and their mom, or my house and their other house. There often seems to be a sense of competition around stuff and experiences. Ultimately, I think it's just deeply human to not want to feel left out or unwanted or that somebody who's a step sibling a half sibling or whatever is getting some thing that you aren't. Kids are insecure little beings in general,  and I think even more so in blended situations. That doesn't make the behavior not annoying, but sometimes it helps me to understand where the behavior comes from.

ESMOD's picture

I don't think it's really weird trying to have a connection with your kids.  It's normal for girls to plan outfits etc.. she is obviously excited about the visit and seeing your kids.  I hope your kids are welcoming... and that you insist they are welcoming to her... even "weird" kids should be treated nicely.. and often have a lot to offer.

Dc3sc2's picture

They weren't mean but did say I will see you in about an hour anyway so we will talk about it then. She was just talking about packing her charger at the time though. She's not into clothes or anything like that. If they did FaceTime frequently that would be more understandable but they never have done before just today. Maybe it's just because she annoys the life out of me anyway that I found it odd.