Ms. Perfect strikes again! or: LFBS isn't an exact science much for my post on Friday. It was my thought that it would take some pushing, but that visitation would eventually go down this weekend, as per the agreement between Mic and Ms. Perfect. No such luck. And apparently she was totally within her rights to do so. For all legal purposes, regardless of the verbal agreement in front of witnesses, he forfeited the visitation last weekend, even if it was all based on a lie.
So he calls Friday morning, since she never called back Thursday night, and eventually turned off the cell phone. He spoke with some dude who informed him that Ms. Perfect left her phone at the gym (good to know that the child support is going somewhere productive, right?). So he called back in the afternoon. He should've known something was up when ss actually answered the phone on the first try. He said that his mom was asleep and that he had specifically been told not to wake her up. So a few hours later she actually calls back, and says that the agreement was a big misunderstanding. Again, I bring that wise saying about how to judge a person's intelligence, and again I am convinced that she is braindead, since this is obviously how smart she thinks we are. Either that, or a plainly spelled out agreement to switch weekends was too much for her pea-brain to process. Either way, her prospects aren't looking so good.
In the meantime, ss goes to a sleepover birthday party Friday night. It's so encouraging to know that she denies visitation to spend more time with her kid, right? Mic calls back Saturday. He's not here, she says. Apparently, he was at this party until today. So Mic calls back today. He's playing with his friend, she says. An entire weekend, and she didn't even have a chance to spend time with him until this afternoon.
I don't know what ails this woman (I keep refering to her as a woman, but that implies that she is mature, and that she understands her place in the world. In truth, she is neither, and frankly, she gives all BMs a bad name). She shipped him off to God knows where last weekend, after making ss lie to his dad about being sick. This weekend, she ships him off to a 3 day birthday party. It isn't even because she wants to spend that time with him, it's just to keep him away from his father, whilst still getting her $95 a week in child support. I can't wait until they go to court. We're going to go it alone this time, but next time- there will be an attorney involved, if we have to dump our life savings into it (which may not even be enough-but we'll figure out something). In the meantime, we've just been documenting every little thing. This is the most ridiculous thing in the world (ie: a mother doing this to her own kid, but if we quit now, she'll never have the opportunity to hang herself with her own actions. If there is a God (and I'm sure, through my own experience that there is) that day will eventually come. Perhaps not as soon as I would like it to, but it will come. Hell, I'm just waiting for the day that she has to answer to all of this in front of the judge. If that's not motivation to keep trying...:)
- dbsojo's blog
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Oh dear
I'm so sorry to hear about this. It's so flippen sad. She is clearly doing what she can to stop the visits. And I do completely understand your frausrations. Our BM keeps going away on the weekends to go see her new BF and let's the kids go find friends houses to stay at. Hello. Why can't you let them come here? But no. Lately the only time SD9 gets to come over is when BM's new BF sleeps at her house. Guess it's OK for the kid to come here when she wants to get laid at her house.
I am sorry to hear that bitch did it again.
Hang in there. Jo
At least she may let them talk on the phone more this week. Except Thursdays. That has been my clue lately. She yelled at ss a few months ago for answering the phone on Thursday night, because he'd just be seeing his day the next day. So when they are able to talk on Thursday nights, that's my cue to brace myself. But from now until then, it should go smoothly.
don't ya just get tired of it??
I am reading your comments and like I said I don't deal with actual kid switch stuff yet-- since she has full custody at this point-( not for long now!!) she denies the kids request to come to our home period-- that is going to change in about a week. I am sure I will be dealing with alot of this stuff-- I guess my advice is to do what you are doing and document, document, save voicemails from her--( oh do we have some doozies from my H's EX that we will bring to court-- I wonder if she would like us to bring the rope she will hang herself with or if she will just bring her own??)Anyway We have over a year of documented incidents, quotes from the children voicemails from her "punishing H" she even states in one that he "broke HER rules and is going to be punished" and then states that his punishment because she is urked at him is that he "cannot see his kids for 5 weeks" The court can use voicemails just not tape recorders we have police incident numbers and deputy names and badge numbers, we document phone calls between the children, what times, and verbal content ( what she is saying to kids in the back ground) Our attorney said that this is used as fact and it will make her look like the deviant she is- so keep a record of everything!! we are learning even if it is a receipt from a room service bill-- we will use that one for a made up incident she calims took place where she lived-- at the time she states the "incident" happened we were having dinner in a hotel room with my H, my mom and dad and my H's brother-- we have the hotel receipt and the dinner bill which includes time and date-- If this witch is anything like our EX-- it will be important to start doing this -it will save a lot of he said she said later- especially if you are doing this w/out an attorney-- also like I said if you have police inc.#'s also get the officers name get a report and file them-- once again a paper trail of her causing trouble and being unreasonable at the kids expense-- we have an incident # of when her father tried to run us off the road after she was served with an anti Harass. order- we wrote a statement of that day- we had called 911 met an officer at a store and filed a report-- her dad hightailed it out the back p-lot and left when he saw the cop-- we got the date/ time/ what happened/ incident # /officers name and card--Her dad in his story claims that he tried to call police but they were " too busy" to respond" B>S>!!! I am sure that will come up in a week in court the difference is- he has a self typed letter full of crap-- we have proof and documenation complete with poice info and inc.#--have you gotten that I am stressing this??? It's just when it comes down to brass tax aside from your words the judge will look for facts-- make sure they are there. Hope that helps.
I hope everything will be
I hope everything will be fine after. Just don't mind her. It will just ruin your day. - Matt Schilit