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How do you deal with lying teenagers

DASKRA's picture

We have two soon to be teenagers and they both have recently started causing problems with BM by lying to both us and then them. SD11 and SD12 both tell SO one thing and then their BM another.

SD12 recently was with us and SO asked her if she wanted to go home to BM (eary) SD12 said she didn't want to go, Then to find out today that she told BM that she told SO that she wanted to go home. BM has set up a meeting with SO and SD12 and BM tonight to deal with the issues. BM said that she is telling everyone what she thinks they want to hear. SD12 has told BM that she doesn't want to come and see SO for the 4th but won't say why. SO will go there tonight to see what is up with the issue. I personally think it's because BM threatened to call the Cops on SO last time because she wasn't getting her way and SD12 doesn't want ther parents to fight and is tired of being put in the middle. SO tries hard not to put his kids in the middle but when you have parents that don't live together there really isn't much of a way to not "choose" between parents without feeling you have to 'choose'. BM and SO want to give SD12 some freedome to choose her own scheduel and what she wants to do but I wonder if it's not causing more problems in the long run. SD12 also I think feels like her mom treats her more like a "friend" then a child. she tells her things a child should not hear. She said that "they are bestfriends and tell each other everything" This is not right either but there is not a lot that SO or I can do about that.

SD12 plays stupid a lot of time when SO asks her about things. For example when they have moved and moved again. SO asked her what school she was going to be going to, knowing already that her address had been changed and school choice made and gave SD12 the oportunity to come clean she continued to lie to SO because she 'though' that was what BM wanted her to do. She also was asked about her recent move and when she was moving, she said she didn't know, well then come to find out that she was already living in our home town for 3 weeks. I don't even know what to do with her or BM. She tells SD12 things and then I think makes it seem like it has to be a secreat that is kept from SO.

As far as SD11 goes, we have NEVER had ANY problems from her BM. NEVER. SO and BM get along great and have never had any problems with SD11 or BM becase they all know that the goal is "best interest for SD11". SO gets a text message saying something along the lines of " I will stop being so nice to you and how dare you do this to me, we can go to a set schedule if your going to do this to me" SO and I both were like WTF. Come to find out that SD11 told her BM that WE both were trying to get her to come and live with us full time. NOT true. SD12 has recently moved to our home town. three miles from our house. and SD11 Has been asking to live with us for over 2 years now and we have always told her that she would miss her BM too much and her other sister and brother that live with BM. Told her it would be like a never ending summer (we have her most the summers due to sports) She always agreed that she would miss her and them and dropped the idea. She had a written a "goals for life" and when she turned 12 she wanted a phone when she turned 13 she wanted reall UGG boots and when she turned 14 she wanted to live with her dad and so on. She has also told BM that she wanted to come live with her dad but it sounds mostly during fights or when she didn't get her way.

Since SD12 moved her SD11 has been talking about them going to the same school. SD11 lives about 20 min away from our school district. We had talked to the kids about what was offered in our schools when they get to high school. This got brought up when asking them what classes were offered in their middle schools and them asking us what classes we took. There is a much BIGGER difference from going to a small school where they don't have as many options for EXTRA type classes. They got to choose from health or chorus. That was the two choices. We told them we had second language (SD11 loves spanish and wants to take it so bad) sewing classes, cooking classes, computer, shop, art and so on. They both were like WOW. and we talked about the trips we went on when we were in highschool as well for band and chorus. We were not trying to "talk up" our town by any means simply talking about our schooling. SD11 asked if she could go to school here too. We told her that when she got old enough we would talk to BM about open enrollment and getting her a car to drive here. We told her we would not promise anything and tha was a long way down the road.

SD11 went and told BM basiclly that we are going to let her move into our house when she turns 14 and she would go to school here and have all this and that. I don't know what brought this on but that was not how it happened. I don't know if these kids are trying to set their parents against each other or what is going on. We have never had this much problems with the children then we have now. I know that their age has something to do with it but what are we to do about this.

Also if there are any haters out there. Please don't comment on this post. I know you know who you are and I am sensative to the comments posted on here. I feel it's a personal attack agains me and my SO. We are trying to do our best raising these kids together and don't always get it right but what parent does? We were never trying to 'talk up' or convince them to live here. We both feel that their BM are able to provide for them just fine.


DASKRA's picture

SO did I think clear things up with BM#2 and is going to go after work today and talk to SD12 and BM#1. This just makes me so mad, I know that kids will tell the other parent what they think they want to hear to make "peace" with everyone. They don't realise what they are going to get themselves or parents into. I just don't know if they are trying to set them against each other or what is going on. SD11 feels like she has to choose between her parents. SO and BM have always let SD11 decide what she wanted to do as far as visitation but SO did ask that SD11 be here when her sisters are here as well. This has worked so far. Now she complains that she doesn't like having to choose. I think there are two ways to solve this issue.
#1: we come up with a set scheduel for SD11 to follow for visitation. We go by that and sick to that. No adjustments (unless agreed upon by parents only) we take away her freedom to choose #2: We continue to let SD11 decide what she is going to do as far as visitation. then she continues to feel like she has to choose.

I understand that kids don't look at it the same way as adults do. They feel torn. It sucks when your parents don't live together and you have ties to both of them.

Tranquility's picture

Well, there is a lot of miscommunication all across the board here. I am a bit confused too, I must say. Saying that your area has a lot more to offer does send the message that you want them to move in with you (which I would be upset about too if I was the BM). It is not all about schools, spending time with parents is just as important. You guys have to talk to the girls (as a family together) and see what they want or don't want and go from there. Then tell the BMs what was discussed and go from there too. These are major life changes-they need a lot of communication and planning.

Tranquility's picture

...or you can do what my ex and I do and NEVER communicate-we do what is called parallell parenting, not co-parenting. Works to some extent but then again he is a psychopathic bipolar bully that needs rigid boundaries at all times. Sad but I made lemonade...

DASKRA's picture


SO went over to BM house and sat down with SD12 and they talked. I guess they first tried to let SD12 do most of the talking but she doesn’t like to talk much when her dad is around at least. SD12 got caught in a few of her lies. She told BM that SO never calls or and only sent her a text message last night for the first time since he saw her last, big fat lie, he tried to call and text her almost every day. She does not return his calls or text messages and tries to say her phone doesn’t work or she didn’t get them. BM took her phone and saw the missed messages and calls and SO showed her them as well. SD12 got caught in another lie about telling BM that she asked her dad to leave last time she was here and he told her no, LIE, he asked her if she wanted to leave early and she said she didn’t want to because her sister was in a soft ball tournament and wanted to see her play. BM knew she was lying too.

I guess SD12 tells BM all this stuff about not feeling loved by her dad and this and that. He said that YOU need to tell me these things because when it comes from your mom you are making her look like she is the one saying these things and makes her look like the bad guy. If you have a problem with me please come to me and we can talk about it. She also told SO that she didn’t know if she could do the summer schedule of two weeks on and two weeks off, because she would miss her mom too much. That is BS if you ask me. He also said that he feels hurt that she doesn’t want to come and see him, that she is always with her mom and the summer time is the only time he really gets to see her (different now that she lives in our town though) she also through things in there about him not coming to her school stuff when she lived 250 miles away and he didn’t even have a car at the time. These kids just don’t understand what it costs to drive places. He was only working part time and ALL of his money was going toward child support at the time.
She also decided that she didn’t want to come for the 4th because for the last 2 4th s she had been with her grandparents and not with BM. (not our fault she pawned you off) I am just done trying to make the kids be together for holidays. If you’re here you’re here if not I don’t care anymore.