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Karma, meet BM

DarkStar's picture

SO has had full custody of SD14, SD10, and SS9 for 2 years. She voluntarily gave up custody cuz she "couldn't handle them anymore." She is supposed to see them every weekend, she lives 2 hrs away and they meet halfway for dropoffs.

The skids hardly see BM on their visits. After pawning them off on Grandma and Aunt for 2 years, hiding in her bedroom when they were around, and generally neglecting them, she skids have had enough. For the first time, this weekend SD14 complained in a text to SO how BM never does anything with them and hides out in her room.

This is the SD that would defend BM and all of her shitty life decisions no matter what.
SD10 and SS9 never talk about her anymore, SD10 used to be sad that she didn't get to see her mom very much and talk about her, but not anymore. SS9 flat out refuses to do anything BM tells him to do, he just looks at her and says "no". BM complained to SO about their behavior at dropoff on Sunday, he looked at her and said "then deal with it," and she stomped off and didn't even say goodbye to skids.

SO had a talk with skids saying that he was sorry that they didn't get to see BM as much as they wanted, but it was important that they be respectful and mind her rules. He's such a peach, he handled it beautifully.

Question for the group: BM doesn't want the kids next weekend for mother's day. She doesn't want to celebrate it. SO says she has always been this way for mother's day. But the skids want to do something for her. BM said she doesn't want to celebrate it and doesn't want to see the skids cuz of their attitude. She said this IN FRONT OF SKIDS.
So now they don't want to see her this weekend especially SD14, she even said "Why should we go when she doesn't even want to see us?" SO said "it's the visitation agreement and you are going."

It gives me no pleasure to witness this. They are all good kids and she has ignored and neglected them for years. It breaks my heart to read these stories of moms and dads FIGHTING tooth and nail and spending thousands of dollars to see their kids and BM is throwing hers away with both hands. How can a parent do that??? It boggles my mind. My heart hurts for the skids and I want to shake the stupid out of BM.

Should SO make the skids visit their BM this weekend? If you think no, please give me some reasons why so I can take them back to SO


DarkStar's picture

Yes, that is the exact reason he wants the skids to go for their visit, he is afraid she would use it against him in the future if he didn't

step off already's picture

He should attempt to allow her to exercise the visitation, but he can't force it. He should let her know that he will be at the drop off point at the usual time, as the court order states and that the kids are looking forward to doing something special for her.

If she chooses to show up, then great. Kids will learn a lesson that they don't get to make the decision.

If she doesn't show up, then great. Kids will learn a lesson that BM is self-centered, etc, etc.

A bit of a hassle, but a win/win either way.