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She's Back!!!!

daisy0202's picture

Soo today I am working a 12 hour shift and when i get home from my shity day my SD will be there back from BM's..... Sad ...I hate that I dont look forward to going home when she is there....I went home last night and thought about this board....Thought about some of the stories i read and why it should be this way....I understand divorce is hard on children but it is also hard on the adults who are going through it...But we move on for our children. i understand they are young and have a hard time dealing with it but why does it have to be to such an extreme....If I think about it when parents get divorced it is usually a "I see it comming"..Which means these people are probably fighting alot, the home is not a great place to be for the children and just the unhappiness has to be a strain...So When the parents divorce I wish some children, like mine, think of it as my parents are not fighting "as much" anymore and the house can be a more peaceful place. yes fighting is still going to happen, more on some ends but overall there are days that are normal and happy...

I think of my issue, my children are great with my DH. They actually love him very much but they love there father also....Why can't it be like that for everyone and all bio families....Its sad that i hate going home because of SD...I hate it!!!! Guess everyone is different, just wish it could all be alot easier.... Sorry guess I am just venting out loud....Hope everyone has a great day...Look forward to everyones blog today...i am here till 7 so I'll be reading alot today.... Blum 3


StepOnMe101's picture

I feel the same. On the days we do not have SD, I look forward to going home to my relaxing house. On days we have her, I dread going home. I know that everything will be centered around her for the evening. She doesn't give us our space, she is up my DH's ASS to be frank. She constantly needs his help, or wants to "show him something" It's all about the attention..she doesn't REALLY need his help and she doesn't NEED to show him something. The kid will not go in her room and play or watch her TV..she has to be with us adults at all times. These last few evenings have been especially bothersome because SD has a scraped knee and can you say MILKING IT?? She has been "unable" to dry herself off after a shower, put her pants on, and tie her shoes. Just knowing I have to go to my in laws house to pick her up after work each work day can put me in a bad mood for the day. I wish I didn't feel this way. I wish I could say I enjoy her being there and wanted her there all of the time. I can't say that because it would be a lie. I cherish the weekends alone with DH and wish it could be that way 24/7. I don't miss SD one bit when she is gone. Not even an ounce really. DH wishes he could have SD full time..I secretly hope that never happens. I would lose my mind!!!

daisy0202's picture

I hear that...We had SD for 1 month straight recently it was pure HELL!!!! My SD is the same way always needs attention at all times, drama..OMG dont even get me started on that....Its like the whole night she is with us she clings to "daddy" and complains about EVERYTHING....and when she is with BM she calls a number of times to complain about BM....and what she is doing and what is going on...and this kid is SIXTEEN!!!!!!

Another episode last weekend my DH and i were outside having coffee on the deck, it was so nice and she was watching us through the sliders again SHE IS 16!!!!! WTF is wrong with you I'm not going to take him away...