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splish splash

cuddles's picture

So I finally hit my breaking point with bath 8, once again has literally left a bucket of water on the floor after his bath. The part that posses me off the most is that I caught him earlier (before the floor had a bucket sized amount of water on it) playing with a cup, and dumping water on the floor, and I instructed him to keep the floor from being drenched during the remainder of his time in the bath. So the kids are in bed, and I find the bathroom (and his clothing) which is completely wet, like it was in the tub with him. I ask about it and I get an "I don't know" how it got like that. SERIOUSLY!? I do! After I told you NOT to get the floor wet, you did anyway...and just got away with it for the last time! dd 7, is capable of taking a bath without making the floor into a pool...why can't you? Oh, that's right! You hate me telling you what to do, and decide that one way or another I will pay for it! So now what? I'm at a loss for what to do here... we've tried only showers, but dh never sticks to it. I am so mad right now.


MamaFox's picture

I'd clean it up one more time. And then deposit said wet, nasty towels right into the drivers side seat in his car.

When he comes back inside in the am after they have been sitting there all night getting moldy..

"Oh, Honey, SS made a mess again and I figured you'd want to wash the towels right away so I left them in your car so you wouldn't miss them when you left for work"

twoviewpoints's picture

IMO this one is Dad's 'job'. Dh can first remove all tub toys/cups. Prepare the water x amount deep (low level). Dad has kiddo remove clothing, Dad takes clothing to laundry basket , then Dad parks his butt (he can have a magazine) on the closed lid toilet and supervises bath. Kid gets done bathing, steps out and dries and puts on pjs and Dad checks floor for any water.

Ta-da. Bath all done and bathroom clean and dry. A few times of Dad having to sit in there and be put out should probably be about enough before Dad decides Jr is going to bath by himself in a responsible manner.