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Update to Dirty Households

CrystalRE's picture

If you remember my post last week, I was writing because my SD (9) came home with boils on her backside. She went back to BM's on Friday feeling tons better and almost fully recovered! She is due to come back to our house this afternoon and DH got an email from BM this morning saying that she not only lost the medication that we sent to treat the sores on her bottom but they are getting worse again and NOW SD has a sty! I am really at a loss as to what to do! Does anyone have any additonal advise?


PnutButta's picture

You need to take the kid to the doctor and then call DCFS. That child is being neglected. There is no reason for that kid to have to suffer.

Makes me sick.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." ~Robert Frost

startingover2010's picture

her mother is too damn lazy. your sd needs YOU to be her advocate, because its apparent her bm isnt interested in the job.

went through something similar with my nephew. he had bug-bite looking things on his butt and my sister was adamant that it wasnt anything serious so she never took him to the dr until his privates were bright red and swollen. then she tried to turn it around on ME (i was babysitting daily) saying that my homemade wipes were the culprit. homemade wipes are paper towels, baby wash, oil and lotion. anyways i ended up taking him to the dr myself and everyday she 'forgot' to give him his cream. it was a fungal infection, not the wipes, and the dr said it was probably from lack of wiping his butt (he just turned 2 at the time) and i know that to be true cause whenever she picked him up she would change his diaper and not wipe him cause she was in a hurry to get home.

please call dcf and report bm. your sd must feel so low knowing her bm wont take care of her properly. good luck.

stepoff's picture

Get those kids to a doctor and contact someone to check in on how they're living. Something's going on over there. If the house is that dirty, those kids should not be living there. Seriously, a doctor and a counselor/dcfs.

CrystalRE's picture

Thanks for the advice, everyone. Sorry it took me so long to get back...I have been very busy at work. We took her to the doctor and had it checked out, as you suggested. We also had the doctors office document the issues in case we need to take her back to court. This woman has no business having children!

Chele's picture

when I read this post. My SD is 17, and in fact lives in a "dirty house" with BM. SD and SS both came up to visit this summer, and they were telling us about how SD got these types of boils on her butt, so bad she could not sit, and had to lie down on her side when sleeping. SS was saying it was because SD "sits on her butt all day at the computer" (she does that alot) but SD told me that BM said it was due to her not washing herself properly. I asked SD if she went to the doc's and she said no, that BM lanced them herself! She shuddered when she told me that part, and did not want to talk futher about it. SD is special needs (she is on the Autism spectrum somewhere) so she does not really "understand" some things. This made me so sick, that BM would not only put her through that, but that her household could be the blame. It is a pigsty in there, but for some reason, any time CPS has been there, nothing came out of it, and BM looked like Mother of the Year! ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~