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Crazysteplife12's Blog

So over it!

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So I have finally decided to move out of this toxic situation. Im moving back home to my home state. I have seen a lawyer and know my rights as far as my son. We have decided to come to an agreement abt visitation and expenses. This will be the hardest thing that I have had to do, but I refuse to be miserable any longer. Praying that god makes a way for me and my children.

Is this worth fighting for?

Crazysteplife12's picture

This is the question I keep asking myself. It has basically come down to that I should trust my man that he is doing the right thing as far as our relationship and the kids. I do believe he is a good man but not perfect, and neither am I. When we fight his solution is to separate, I always want to compromise and work it out. So is it true that sometimes it is just not a good fit ? I believe that anything can be worked out as long as you both put forth the effort.

Be careful what u wish for

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So Yesterday I had to go to the mall to return an item. I decided to take ss6 and bd8. As we were leaving Sd12 asks if she can come. I say no. She asks why not. I say remember that conversation we had? You told me that you didn't want to have anything to do with me or my bd8. Therefore, I will not be taking you when I take the kids out. Also, I will not be buying you anything. You have decided u do not want a relationship with us and that's fine. But realize that you will not be benefiting from a relationship with me when you do not have one.

BM drama

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Ok so yesterday my SD makes a face at mo on the sly when I ask her if she did what I told her to do. I made her stay inside instead of out with her friends. She calls BM a tells her no telling what. Basically that I punished her for nothing. BM texts dh and asks what's going on and does she need to kick my ass! So I said to dh that you need to call her and explain the situation bc she only has was Sd12 said. Dh talks to BM and tells her that SD12 is out of control. She is always being disrespectful, getting into trouble, bad grades.

Calls from BM

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Ok I know u ladies have to deal with BM calling the ex but what is too much. He was married to BM for 12 yrs, been divorced for 4. She calls him on a regular basis not everyday but enough. She did live in town but followed some guy to another state and hasn't seen her kids in 6 months. She calls and tells him her problems. So her boyfriend has once again beat her and she wants to move back into town. Always some kind of problem. When she lived here she never had any food for the kids, never had a ride to work , Wanted him to go with her to get a car.

What to do?

Crazysteplife12's picture

I am a mother of 2 and stepmother of 2. I recently had a talk with my stepdaughter that is 12. She informed me that she has no interest in having a relationship with me or my daughter. I was hurt by this and am really tired of trying to build a relationship with her. Basically she only has anything to do with us when she wants something. Wondering if I should just give up completely.