Vacation wrapping up...and I'm here..why? Because the leech never fails to disappoint!
DRAMA! constant problems with the leech 27year old son of my husband. (I'm to the point, where I don't even want to refer to him as My Step-son, I want nothing to do with him)
Last night, my step-daughter's boyfriend of the last three years, arranged a romantic marriage proposal on the ferris wheel on the boardwalk...we were all there... his family, our family...
and the asshole son of my husband couldn't manage to let his sister have even that ONE moment without HIS drama...he picked some childish fight with the girlfriend and made an embarrasing display!
I was mortified and angry and upset that he would dare to put a damper on his sister's happiness.
I am so done... I know that I told my husband that as long as his girlfriend was in school, they could stay... my husband put his foot down and is demanding rent money every month.... it's just not enough. I couldn't even stand to look at him this morning!
He continued his argument with the girlfriend through this morning and she had enough, so she left... I don't blame her and I wouldn't blame her if she ended it with him...
she's got her 'issues'... I think it comes from how she was raised, but she's not a bad person... she doesn't deserve this treatment.... nobody does, not her, not my husband, not me, not my step-daughter...NOBODY
wish me luck, because when we get home, I am going to have to tell my husband that his son has just gotta go....I know it's going to cause a MAJOR fight, possibly permanent damage to my relationship with my husband and this is making me hate his son even more...
vicious circle
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That is the lowest of the
That is the lowest of the low, and he has to be out of your lives and take some responsibility for himself...elsewhere! As long as he's under your roof it's going to be a problem, the girlfriend is gone so whether or not she's in school is irrelevant now. He needs to grow up, if he's like this at age 27 it's highly unlikely he's going to change now...out the door buddy! I wish you luck, just clearly state the way things are to DH and remind him that he's really not a child any more and it's time he made his way in the world. There's also the question of what will happen to him once you and DH (you say it that way so it's not 'just' about DH) are not there for him to lean on? It's for his own good...right?? (pass me a puke bucket please) I wish you the best of luck and I think DH knows what's coming, he's known it all along, but like a lot of people will, he'll do nothing until it's 'crunch time'...which is NOW!