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Countdown to Step-grand-baby’s 1st birthday party

cpreston's picture

The “big party” is on Saturday. When they asked if “we” could have a party, I said “sure” and was all about helping them out. (if you recall, I asked for a guest list and addresses from The GF and they acted as if I were asking them to reveal National Secrets)
I backed off and said “no problem” and turned over all responsibilities to the SS and GF. The ONLY thing that DH and I insisted on, was taking care of the birthday cake (they weren’t going to have a cake, GF was going to make cupcakes and that’s it)

Okay, so I didn’t do my normal cleaning this past weekend. DH and I went out of town on Saturday and yesterday was Super Bowl, so there’s vacuuming and dusting which will need to be done. SS doesn’t officially start his new job until next week, but he’s picking up some extra money to hold over by making deliveries for a friends’ pizza place and also picking up a catering job this week for cash payment… in other words, while he’ll have a few days off, he’s going to be busy this week.

GF doesn’t clean… period, end of story, she just doesn’t do it

They haven’t planned a menu for this party and they invited 65 people

They haven’t really done any planning other than sending out invitations

The only people who sent a reply to the RSVP were DH and my family members and some close friends of SS… nobody on her side of the family sent any reply, the RSVP did not say “regrets only” it said “Please RSVP to SS or GF by February 4”

Should they figure that these people aren’t coming? It’s like the baby shower all over again! I asked for a head count from GF’s mother and she said “maybe 25” and about half of that showed up. The whole family has no class!

So, anyway, I’m trying my hardest to just “let it go”
My SIL sent me a text message, asking if she can help or bring anything, I called her back to let her know that I have zero involvement in this party.. (she’ll get the word out to the rest of DH’s family)
My SD is coming up on Friday… I love her dearly, but she’ll do the same thing that her Father does… she’ll try to fix the situation and ‘save’ them by cleaning and she told them that she’d buy/make appetizers, and well, I get annoyed that she’ll come in and do stuff that her brother and GF were SUPPOSED to have done. She acknowledges that this is a bad situation, she’s told her father that she thinks that SS and GF should be forced to help and pay rent and set a move out date, but then when faced with being RIGHT THERE in the midst of it all, she jumps in and rescues her brother.

So, I have to force myself into believing that whatever dust is on the window sills, or crumbs are on the carpet, or makeup on the bathroom counter, has NO reflection on me.

It’s THEIR party, it’s THEIR responsibility to take care of making sure that the house is in order for guests and it’s THEIR responsibility for the food and plates and utensils and napkins and serving platters and decorations, and drinks and ice and every other little detail which I have written down (we throw a lot of parties and I used to have a small catering/party planning business, I KNOW how to do this stuff!)
This party is NO reflection on me or my husband…. Right?
p.s. GF has worked exactly two days in the last two months, SS is pretty much out of work until he starts his new job, how much do you want to bet that my SD is going to wind up giving them money to pay for this party? I can’t figure out how they’re paying for the food and everything and DH promised me that if they asked him for $$ that he would tell me.


Tartsy's picture

Sixty-five people for a 1 year old's birthday party? My mind is reeling over the thought. I cannot make sense of it!

A party with 65 people costs quite a bit of money.

I clean like crazy when I entertain, so I can understand having to force yourself into believing the dust and such things are not a reflection of you. I would have to take that stance also, but I know it would still drive me crazy Smile

cpreston's picture

I know why they invited so many people… they’re looking for handouts. Even if half of the 65 show up, they’re figuring that the rest will mail a birthday card with money or a check…the two of them are kinda gross like that, They’re expecting that they’ll get cash gifts for ‘the baby’ which they’ll use for themselves, MAYBE even to move the eff out (which would be great if that happened)

My SIL is a riot… her and I had this discussion, so she called up the GF and told her “I have this great “throwback” football jersey that my son wore (the player is no longer on our team, but he still plays football, just elsewhere, SIL knows that this is not a ‘throwback’ it’s a hand-me-down but she’s a ball buster)

So she says to GF< I think it’s make a GREAT present for ‘babyboy’ what do you think?
She said that GF could barely eek out the word ‘sure’

Hahahah I love my SIL!

Tartsy's picture

Ah I see. I was thinking logically for a minute rather than thinking like the greedy idiots. I should know better.

How embarrassing. DH's kids are an embarrassment also. His oldest invited people from DH's family to her wedding with whom she had no contact for 20 years. She was 23 when she married, so in essence she did not know them at all. She and her husband wanted the CASH. I am sure they got some. Whatever. I agree - if it gets them out on their own, so be it!

Jsmom's picture

They are totally looking for gifts. But, I do have to admit that I did have a birthday party at a restaurant for my son's 2nd birthday with at least 50 people. But, in my defense he was the only grandchild in both families and a child that no one thought we would ever have. Talk about spoiled...But, still a good kid.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

My SIL ALWAYS does this. She must invite everyone and their dog. This month it will be about 50ish people for a bday party. She told me the other day she will bitch if anyone cancels or doesn't show up. She always throws huge un necessary parties and was actually called out by someone during the last one accusing her of just looking for extra gifts etc. She had also requested everyone to bring a dish of food with them, like a potluck.

thefunmommy's picture

I'm thinking baby BD's 1st b-day party might be pretty large. My extended family is fairly extensive, DH's is smaller, but still decent size, and the skids BM and her family will want to be there too (we have a decent relationship with BM and family. BM's mom LOVES BD). So just "family" is going to be lots of people. Plus I have friends who would want to be included as well... not sure what I'll do. But, I don't live with my parents, and will be on my own figuring out/paying for any party. I also don't expect gifts, just to come celebrate BD's first ever birthday Blum 3