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Yep Cover out!

Cover1W's picture

So DH and I had plans to meet up at the end of my office holiday party (employees only) then go out and get his shopping done because I'm the only one who knows what SDs want. Then go out to dinner. He cancelled. Because of work. Which is fine. Except he needs to work b/c he spent half the day shuttling SD10 around and going to grocery store (for beer and chocolates from what
I can tell). And kitchen was a mess when I got home and dinner hadn't even been started. If I hadn't been hungry I wouldn't have cooked but it's just as easy to make spaghetti for one as it is for four.

Guess I'll be late getting home from office party AND I am
Officially officially done with any assistance with Xmas. I was willing to help if he did the legwork but nope. Alllllll done.


Acratopotes's picture

I hope you left the kitchen in a mess and told DH - this better be sorted when I wake up ...

yes DH is on his own, he can buy for his kids what ever he wants and so be it if they do not like it..

Hell stay out the whole night after the office party, book into a near motel and let him know - you are to tired to drive }:)

Cover1W's picture

Oh I didn't clean anything! I ate then parked my butt on the couch and played with my phone. The kitchen was still a mess this morning with food left out.