So last night, after SD15 arrives and dinner is being considered between them, DH starts talking to her like she's 5. Seriously I could not handle it. Then he starts asking me silly questions like I'm in on it. WTF? I answered him normally, he countered (because God forbid I have an opinion when SD is here), so I said, ok then never mind and I opted out.
Tonight I want a good takeout dinner from a place I love. I ordered and paid. Since SD15 is so picky and won't like any regular thing on the menu I ordered something from the small plates section for her. DH was just telling her allllll about this place and asked her if she knew where it was and started describing it. We live in a small town and even so, SD knows nothing because she never goes anywhere or pays attention to anything around her. I was just not having it and said to him after he prompted her a couple times, "DH she doesn't know where anything is." He chuckled and asked he if she wanted to go pick it up with him. Nope.....he wants her to go then tell her they will go. FFS it's always a choice and then he wonders why she doesn't know stuff or places here.
Then he starts talking up the food. No she's never eaten there, again YES I got her something she will like and he kept on talking up this wonderful place like she's 8 and going to get exited about it. She doesn't ever get exited about food! I finally had enough and said, "DH I got her something she'll like, nothing else there she will, that's all and if she doesn't like it she can make something else."
They now left to the yard so good. The coddling of a 15yo is driving me nuts. She's 15 with no responsibility, give her some. Treat her like a 15 yo. It's like he was scared she'd be upset we are ordering dinner.
- Cover1W's blog
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I don’t know how you do it.
SD is one thing. But your SO. .? Two of them sharing a brain? You must Have to drink heavy
That is just wierd. Agree with Harry, let them stay in the yard and pour a glass of wine or two.
Why I'm 95% disengaged.
Why I'm 95% disengaged.
Hey, at least she's cleaning up her p*ss now. She's still standing over the toilet but I can hear her spray it down and clean it off. Next week is the test as I'm going to try to be back in my home office downstairs since I can sit up for a good part of the day and I'll need to use that bath to avoid too much stairs....all hell will break loose if I have to walk more to her room...
A lovely wine is open at this point....
She's still standing over the
She's still standing over the toilet but I can hear her spray it down and clean it off.
That is still gross, it splatters where one doesn't even see it.
Oh aware. Which reminds me to
Oh aware. Which reminds me to call our housecleaner. DH pays for the extra time involved in that bath.
Yup! I have the same
Yup! I have the same situation over here. He used to be so worried what I would make for dinner. It's like guess what DH? I actually know more than you what she likes to eat. And they asking instead of telling is what sent me over the edge this weekend. I mean seriously you're asking your 16-year-old daughter if she wants to get Covid tested because her best friend found out Friday night she had Covid. No you tell her she's going to get tested
Yes this has always been our
Yes this has always been our biggest issue. He cannot just tell a kid to do something. One of the first things I disengaged from was teeth brushing because he would argue they didn't have to! 7 and 9! He'd suggest to them over and over and over....with zero results and then wonder why they didn't do it. Repeat on everything
Now he wonders why they don't do X or Y thing. Because DH, they've never had to. Why would they now!?!
Still cuts her meat
I got to watch Husband cut B/M's meat for her last night. Fun times.
But then everyone is on their best behavior right now...I guess.
Watching her and hearing her and both of them makes me sick right now.
We had a roast chicken recently and YSD wanted more. She stood in the kitchen, looking at the chicken for a moment, then asked DH to cut her some. I said, "DH she's 15! She can do it herself!" And I made sure she got the correct knife and she could (amazing!) cut off more chicken for herself. "See, she can do it just fine."
That's my 5% engagement.