Should I be concerned about this Steptalk lurker?
So someone just commented "*" and that's it on a post I made like a week ago or so. I have major paranoia over being "caught" posting on here. I checked this person's profile and they have posted no blog entries, says they have been a member for 25 weeks... Is commenting with a star a thing on here, or is this cause to be paranoid?
- couldyounot's blog
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Had anyone else commented on
Had anyone else commented on your post lately?
Some people purge blogs and
Some people purge blogs and comments. If the person can't delete the whole comment sometimes they just edit their original comment like that
If it was someone you don't recognize, I'd just keep an eye on their activity
Yeah, this. Sometimes they
Yeah, this. Sometimes they post a duplicate and just go back and edit one to be that star symbol, rather than leave duplicate text up. Or if they thought better of saying something, like they gave too much personal info, they might remove the text and replace it with the star.
I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone who "found" you would leave a comment with a star on your blog.
What would be the point?
I deleted all my blogs
I deleted all my blogs recently.
I just looked, it was a blog.
I just looked, it was a blog. I'm not on here as much as some of you ladies but the SN looks familiar.
A "*" on here is exactly the
A "*" on here is exactly the same as a "*" on a cheque.
It means, "I'm giving you zero cents"
I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone who
I SERIOUSLY doubt anyone who "found" you would leave a comment with a star on your blog.
What would be the point?...
Lol. True story^, I know I'm being a freak. BM is a psychopath, though... Last time we went to court, she had printouts from 2 random blogs, saying they were my blogs and I was posting about her (they were NOT my blogs, I had never seen said blogs in my life). Also, I had about 10k pins on Pinterest at that time. She had printed any one that was in the least bit bitchy (and that could apply to anyone, I never name names) saying I am posting about her and blahblah (this woman is 40-some years old).
These printouts were never evidence or anything, per DH's attorney (who eventually sympathized with BM's attorney who had agreed to help her pro-bono before realizing what a nut BM is and who has since ended the professional relationship with BM), BM's attorney advised her that such a preoccupation and monitoring of DH and his household would actually work against her.
DH also said she showed up to one show cause hearing with a binder full of journalS(s!) wherein she had documented every last purchase (down to like McDonald's) that she had had SS working as her informant to tell her about... DH started playing her own game back to her, telling SS he bought a boat and he just had to pick it up from another state: next court date, she showed up talking about "the boat we are hiding" and that DH "obviously has money to take a trip cross country to pick up a boat."
... SMH. I feel crazy even typing that out lol. Thus, I am a nut about feeling like I'm being stalked online. Oh well.
This actually happened to me.
This actually happened to me. Donkeykong found my LJ blogs and printed the WHOLE of it. We're talking 10 years worth of blog entries. It was submitted as "evidence" but in the end, it didn't factor into the judge's decision.
It was scary enough for me to shut that blog down though.
Oh I don't doubt that there
Oh I don't doubt that there ARE psychos who will stalk you and try to find you! Or who would use your blogs against you either. (See Drac0 above, and he's hardly alone - I can name 3 others here who have been "found".)
No, I'm just saying posting the star thingy would be weird. If they found you, they most likely would either post back telling you how horrid you are (and trying to get other posters to turn on you - that's happened here), or not post anything at all so you don't get suspicious and they can keep monitoring you. Posting a * would be odd. Doesn't serve any point that I can see.
If you're really worried about being found, just make it a habit to delete your blogs periodically.
Lots of people do that.
I don't care about being found. DH knows I post here and the skids are all aged out, so no legal issues!
I just have to laugh and
I just have to laugh and wonder how many YEARS BM put into reading the blogs that weren't even mine. And how disgustingly egotistical she is to have read some random shit like that and just decided "Hey, that's about me."
This bitch creeps so hard I learned a long time ago that anything worth anything just doesn't get posted. Back when Myspace was big, when all you could see was the status update with the little mood smiley thing when your profile was set to private, I would update mine with whatever I was doing like everyone did back then... I stopped pretty quickly after a few times of, within MINUTES of my posting an update like "With DH at the beach" she would call or text him with "Oh, I hope you and your whore are having fun at the beach." She stopped leaving quite so obvious a paper trail after lawyers got involved lol.
The poster you are
The poster you are questioning has made comments about her own step life in other blogs/forums. She's got a SS9. I doubt she's stalking you unless you're the mother of her SS9.
I could be anything. Maybe she realized she posted in the wrong blog she had meant to. Maybe she just changed her mind about what she had commented. A posted can not completely delete their comments from a blog, but they can 'erase' more or less and edit what they wrote. They can also post a blog themselves and then delete it. Lots of members only keep up their blog for a short while and then delete just in case anyone may come looking for them or perhaps they feel it's too identifying.
You can put the member's name in the search box and find other blogs/forums she/he may have commented on. For example if you put my name in search you'd find lots of comments I've made over the last couple of years, but if you click my name you'd not find any self written blogs by me. I 've never posted one. I don't really have much to say about my SS good or bad. He's an adult now and pretty much out of my hair (ok, except for the occasional call for money or the whine, whine poor is me story of the moment). I came more about my GS who is in a step family with both a SF and a SM and my SGS who has a SM and a crazy ass BM.
Nah, don't worry. Just keep
Nah, don't worry. Just keep your information general. I've been on this forum for about 8 years or so. Some psycho PASer BM trolls on here pretended that they knew me just because they didn't agree with my posts about parenting style.
I'm an experienced successful REAL single parent; strict, fair, assumed an educator role, non-coochie coo-pinchy cheek type and feel that children are intelligent enough to be guided from birth.