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Sneaking and lying

Cooooookies's picture

That's when I re-engage. Tonight I was doing dishes in the kitchen. All of a sudden I hear the crinkle of a crisp (chips) packet being (not so) quietly taken from the cabinet in the dining room. SS13 is trying to sneak more junk food. Again.

Me: SS put that back you've already had your crisps and ice cream tonight

SS: Haha, I was waiting for you to say that (lie)

Me: No, you were sneaking junk food again. Why?

SS: *squeaks, fiddles, huffs*

Me: It's not like you can't eat SS. If you're still hungry, you can have grapes or cheese n crackers or a peanut butter sandwich. But you know if you ask for more junk food or sweets that you'll be told no so you just try and sneak it. Right?

SS: Yes

So I've sent him to bed early. I can't tolerate sneaking and lying. DH had already gone to bed as he isn't feeling well so I'll tell him in the morning. All this kid has done this year is lie, sneak, not do homework, not do what he's supposed to do. All he wants to do is play on screens, sit in filth and eat garbage.

Maybe I should've let it all happen but I absolutely cannot STAND lying. I am really at a loss with this disengagement stuff and watching this car crash continue.


Cooooookies's picture

I agree tommar. SS does have some sort of "special need(s)" which includes self control. We finally have an appointment for a re evaluation in March. All the more reason why he needs to be parented but I just end up fighting DH. So I've let go...but it drives me mad!

Tuff Noogies's picture

"It's not in their interest to practice self control. They want what they want and they don't want to be told no." AMEN!!!!!!!