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My DH told off the devil herself yesterday!

Cooooookies's picture

My DH...the man who avoids confrontation at all costs. My big teddy bear who buries his head in the sand and rather eat poo than confront anything, let alone BM2. He did it, he told BM2 where to poke it yesterday!

She came over to our house yesterday around noon. Both DH and I were at work but she was taking SS14 out for the day. I know, I hated it too, but at least she's visiting.

It didn't last long. I was still at work but DH was home and she brought SS back around 5pm. I don't know how the conversations came about but she started to cast out feelers. She must've pumped SS for info while they were out. Anywho, the most important of what was said went something like this:

BM2: So, I heard that you gave Cookies an eternity ring? (It was our 5 year anniversary on the 10th)
DH: Yes, I did. And...???
BM2: No response.

A bit later, BM2 brought up relationships and blah blah blah and how she went to a pub the previous night and was supposedly hit on by a nice soldier guy (run, dude, run!):

BM2: Anyway, all I want is a man that really loves me.
DH: *laughs* But you HAD that...and it still wasn't good enough for you. YOU threw it all away...and now that man is in love with another woman.

At one point, a neighbour came by with a package they took in for us. While DH was getting that, he heard BM2 walk further into the house. When he went in, she was standing right by the anniversary cards that were still set on the bookshelves. Nosey cow.

That wh*re totally cast out the bait to see if DH would bite! Instead of a bite, she got a nice big ol' bucket of ice cold reality thrown in her face.

I am so proud of DH for finally confronting her. He said he wasn't nasty but she kept insisting on casting out feelers so he just told her very calmly and matter-of-fact how things are. She needed to hear it from him for a long time now.

I'm sure she'll still give out crazy but I am proud of my DH and he shall be handsomely rewarded Wink


Acratopotes's picture

I can't get over the fact that this cow was in your house..... how the hell did that happen...
she can wait outside like any normal stranger, I hope DH told her not to set foot into the house ever again... and make it clear to SS....

but DH did good

Cooooookies's picture

Eh, her visiting won't last long. In fact, she's going to Cyprus soon for 4 weeks. The excitement of pretending to like SS will soon fade. If she even comes back.

Besides, if she wants to read our cards and look at our wedding photos - it's not hurting me at all.

Acratopotes's picture

ah so she's getting a new man when she goes back.....

she was bored and came home lol to see if she can get DH back..... I hope my spell works and her plane flies into a black hole going over

Cooooookies's picture

DH's dad probably won't live much longer and she knows he inherits a bit of money. The thing BM2 loves most.

She still has the Cypriot bf living in her apartment...paying all her bills! Meanwhile she's living with Friend here who's always wanted her and she plays him just enough to keep his tongue wagging. All the while seeing if she could get DH back just long enough to get her claws into some money.

She's such a doll.

Acratopotes's picture

she really is going to make your life hell when she hears DH is getting something more then his salary...

we have to make a plan my friend.. to save your sanity or you will end up drinking with me.

Cooooookies's picture

She knows what he gets, it hasn't really changed since forever. That's why she tried to slither her way back into his life. Already guessed that would happen. I just sit back and watch the show and hope one day I have the chance to casually shove her off of a very high ledge }:)

I'd drink with you anyway if we lived close enough. Except you'd have to do all the drinking...unless coffee counts Blum 3

Acratopotes's picture

coffe counts my friend... I will spike it with brandy lol....

poopypants is 14/15 right... mmm another 6 years tops and we can bump her off that ledge..accidentally of course, seeing I will be very drunk and stumbling around Wink

Cooooookies's picture

Remember Granny - cheapest items always attract the most customers Wink

She needs the attention of people (especially men) to inflate her very fragile ego and sense of self worth. She doesn't understand that having 3 on the play is disgusting and why DH would never ever go back with her again. Never mind that she left him twice in 16 years and called out another man's name in bed as the final curtain call.

She IS the greatest gift, after all!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

wow. i count four men she's hooked or is trying to hook all at the same time. what a peach.... :sick:

Acratopotes's picture

sounds like Aergia in 4 years time....... she's already hooking up with married men, this week-end tried out an engaged 32 year old.. he told her to go and play with her barbies after she marinated herself in some strong perfume and re dressed in camel toe pants and a crop top..

mommadukes2015's picture

When I first started seeing SO again, BM1 learned that he wasn't with BM2 anymore and tried to get with SO again-somehow she hasn't picked up on the fact that he hates her. She didn't know in was in the picture and sent him this suggestive but not quite sexing photo of herself. She captioned it "not bad for 3 kids". SO and I have been friends for a long time so he showed me when he got it. I sent her a photo back-in the same position she was in and told her " i got this".

I was so amused until I got her response... Which was "omg no freaking way! When did you get back?" Apparently I wasn't too good at making my distain for her known lol

Cooooookies's picture

I have been completely tongue in cheek rude to BM2 and she didn't get it. Thick.

That was hilarious though!

CLove's picture

That's Great!!!! Score for DH, and Cookies.
Biggrin Happy Anniversary.

I had a similar issue December 2015. Found out BM was "sexting" my SO. He told her to stop, and she thought she was so darn cute, she showed the offensive texts to her BF who also thought it was cute.

New years Eve 2016 party, BM texted SO that a young Asian guy was "hitting on her". LOL. My SO is Asian, so she was trying to stay relevant in his life, obviously. And at this same party, her BF was hitting on a young Russian gal. And they had a big fight with lots of dramarama.

My SO and I - we just laughed.

Cooooookies's picture

Oh she took full advantage of the fact that I wasn't home. I knew she'd try something. She always does.

I find it hilarious because she got a big slap in the face instead of the delusional confession of long lost love that she was reaching out for.

She got a huge smack down: told by DH that he's in love with me, confirmed that he got me an eternity ring AND got to read the mushy stuff we wrote in those cards. Plus you can't miss our wedding photo in a heart frame.

She willingly tortured herself lol. If that's what she really wants to do have at it!!