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From the mouths of babes

Considering Cohabitation's picture

FDH told SD7 tinight that we are getting married. She was really excited but then looked puzzled and said "why?". He said "we'll. because we love each other and we want to be together forever, want to be a family and to be partners in everything". She said "But you're already partners." Do you love it? That little girl has viewed our relationship as a partnership before that word was ever used. Smart, that one.

I'm relieved it went well. Her other big question was "does this mean I'll have two mommies now?" He was very clear that I would never ever replace her mom and I would never try,

Can't wait to get home from this trip to see them both.... I'd love to get her a pendant or something to symbolize our "family unit"... Maybe something with three interlocking circles. Has anyone else ever done that?


Rags's picture

My SS-21 had a similar perspective when we broached the topic of adoption when he was much much younger.

I asked him if he would be interested in taking the family name and for me to adopt him He looked at me and said 'You are my dad right? So what difference would adopting me make?'. Smart kid. I had no response to that other than giving him a big hug.

He is now 21 and knows unequivically that I am his dad just as I been since even before his mom and I married two weeks before he turned 2yo.

He tells some funny stories about how his co-workers get confused during office conversations about family when they lose track of which dad he is talking about. He will tell stories about his mom and dad and cool family event and trips. He will so tell stories about hid dad getting arrested and being a gang banger wannabe. His office workers will exclaim 'your dad got arrested!'. SS will have to clarify with 'no, not my dad. I am talking about gangster dad'.

So his coworkers apparently enjoy the ongoing saga of dad and gangster dad.

So, I am dad with or without papers.