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Update on my life

collinanderson's picture


Sorry for being MIA for a while. Things have gotten a little crazy for a bit- not in a bad away. My fiancé was promoted from junior partner to senior partner at his firm, I opened up my thrid pharmacy not too long ago, and we just moved to a bigger house.

If you follow my forum posts, I've been reconnecting with my dad after 8 years of estrangement, and things are looking good. Recently my dad, myself, and my fiancé (note his first him meeting my dad) went to dinner and  at first he just seemed uncomfortable, but over the course of the night, he loosened up and before I knew it, he and my dad were joking amongst themselves. They seemed to really hit it off. My dad even said that he was very proud of me and was thrilled that I found such a great man to spend the rest of my life with. I can't wait to marry this man! (I'll be dh's dh)- I know this might sound strange, but I'm eager to start addressing him as DH. 

As for Bm, she's still the same bitter, miserable person trying to cause problems and has been trying to turn ss10 and ss9 against me. Luckily Ss10 sees right through it and doesn't really pay too much attention to it. He started addressing me as "Dad C"- I seriously love him so much. Ss9 however has been a different story and has been acting up a lot!, but my fiancé is not a disney dad nor does he parent out of guilt and properly parents both of his kids. He ALWAYS puts our relationship first and understands that this kids are his number 1 responsibility and our relationship is his number 1 priority

Recently, the skids came to our new house and they both loved it. We let them explore the house for a bit and get a feel for the big backyard and theatre room(they loved that by the way). Ss10 looked "off" though. My fiancé pulled him off to the side and asked him if everything was okay. He was upset because he heard Bm talking crap about me ("shocker") and he really didn't like it- can you see why I love him. It actually bothered him to the point where he was in tears. He ran to me and just gave me a hug. My fiancé explanied why he was upset. I sat him down and told him that in life there are going to be people that like you, love you, and hate you. You can't control how other people feel about you and it's best not let that negativity get to you and use your time and energy to focus on those that care about you and want you to suceed in life .I turned it into a life lesson. That cheered him up a bit. Them my fiancé apporaches me and tells me that I'm the love of his life. The best part of our home, the master bedroom and the kids room are on opposite sides of the house, so there is a lots of "adult time"  Wink

Hope everyone else is having a good day!



Siemprematahari's picture

Congratulations on your new home and your H's promotion. It's great that you had a positive talk with SS and hope that he learns to set negativity aside and focus on the good.

Wishing you a lifetime of happiness in your new home with H and the kids.

CLove's picture

Things are flowing in the right ways! Congrats on you and you STDH's successes! And not just of the material types.


I too, just recently, when Feral Eldest tried to tell lies about me, and tried to make out top everyone that I am abusing Munchkin SD12, she stood up for me to others, and her sister, saying that I am "like a second Mom." tears flowed!

My heart grew bigger.


Keep us posted!