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classyNJ's Blog

Wishing everyone

classyNJ's picture

A very Merry Christmas!  

I am a lucky on to get done early today and off all day tomorrow. 

We have a quiet Christmas this year.  My mom is coming along with SS23 and SS19 with his GF.  Since SS19 needs to be told to be anywhere 2 hours in advance for him to be on time, I am just going to cook and have everything ready by noon and they can come when and if they want.  For SS19 it's a gift grab anyway.  Sorry kiddo, you literally just got socks and underwear to open. 

Cheers to a Silent Night

Well isn't that nice?

classyNJ's picture

SS17 had a virtual graduation. DH and I watched at home while SS17 watched at DBDB house with SS22 and her family.  They went out to dinner afterwards to celebrate.  DH gave him his $500 check a few days later. Easiest high school grad ever.  

Turns out tomorrow is the LIVE graduation.  Yup.  Broke the class down into different times.  Kids walk on the field, sit and listen to the same speaches from all speakers that were done virtually, walk up, grab their paper and get to have one person on the field with them. 
