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Room and Board contract

chopliver58's picture

Does anyone know where I can locate a room and board contract? I'm charging SD $75 a month room and board and she thinks it's gives her cart blanche to do as she pleases. I want to set the record straight for her - i told her today I'll write one up and she has a choice - she can agree to it or find someplace else to live!!


caregiver1127's picture

Go to google and type in basic room and board contracts they have many to choose from and take whatever wording you want from as many as you want!

zenjetset's picture

I agree with caregiver1127, that's the best option. Good luck! Just remember, depending on her age it may not hold up in the eyes of the court and or police if you ever need to go that route for eviction.

if you are looking for a guideline type of document, so she knows and understands the rules it's perfect. I guess.

caregiver1127's picture

Since it is your home it is your way or the high way - when I use to go and visit my parents and stay with them I still have to obey their rules and I was 30 and older at the time. My mother wanted me in by 11pm so I would go out to dinner a little early or stay at my sister's if I thought I was going to be later than 11 - it is just a sign of respect - if you SD can't respect you and she is older than 18 make her leave.