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Step 2 ~ Communications with Miss Piggy

Chel Bell's picture

Well aside from everything els I have going on, DH and I talked last night about when and how to communicate with BM (Miss Piggy),(relating back to a past post of what animal would BM be/resemble) about having the skids come here for their visit. My MIL has not said anything about talking to BM (i don't think she really wants to), and that's o.k., it is up to us to do it really, I understand, but DH is dragging a little on this. At first he thought of creating a"fake" e-mail address, and try to write to her, this way if she blew up like she always did in the past, we would just cancel it out, and it would not affect our personal one. It sounded like a good idea, until...I think he had a few "flashbacks", and no longer wants to do that. I told him we could just bite the bullet and call, and I know that will probably be just as hard, but there is the beauty of hanging up if he can't get anywhere with that. If she keeps calling to harass us, we can just shut the cell phone off and ignore her, and forget about asking her. Then there is also SS. DH thought about calling him about this, he is 15, so it's not like he is to young to talk about this with, but BM usually gets mad about that.....everything they do HAS to go through her, but he thought about telling SS have your mom call me about dates you can come up, and I'll book the tickets, and send the info to her. Sounds simple enough, right??? We'll see. I told DH that I know you don't want to do this part, communicating w/ her, but it needs to get done soon, as I have to plan for my kids trip as well. So I'm leaving the rest up to DH, ball is in his court, I just hope he gets this over with soon, so I know whats going on. It's like pulling a band aid off in slow mo!!


sparky's picture

I would buy one of those throw away phones. I think its called go-phone or something and use it only to talk to BM. That way it wont interfere with your life or only when you want it to and you have some control.

Chel Bell's picture

Thanks, I'll mention it to DH tonight. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch

Hanny's picture

I would also mention it to SS, and say I'm going to talk to your mom about setting up your visit. Then he knows what is going on because he is old enough to get involved in this.

Chel Bell's picture

that when DH speaks to SS that he would say, have your mom call me to let me know what dates would work for you coming here, then we can discuss it. We'll see what response we get. "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."~ Randy Pausch