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BM went and got a life!

Chel Bell's picture

Hey all, last night I had the pleasure of telling DH that I spoke to his kids, he was working at the time they called yesterday, and I told him that SS said everything was going really well, even though he misses us, things are better that they used to be. He told me his mom is divorced (i already knew that, but did not say), and that she now plays cards every saturday night with the "boys", her new friends, and she dates some of them(that was funny), and she has a new job, and has been very busy, but doing ok. I for one was glad to hear that. She is finally focusing on herself, insted of trying to mess with every one. SS says that they don't talk to BM's ex hubby at all, that he just up and left, and did not look real surprise. My DH was relieved as well, it just makes us feel a little more secure that things will stay peaceful....and as long as BM has a "life" for herself, I'm sure it will stay that way. DH did think it was a little funny that BM is "running around", but again, not to much of a shock. BM is a grown woman and can do what she wants really, just as long as it does not affect the kids in a bad way, it really is none of our buisness, JMO. So DH is breathing a lot easier over this subject. He also spoke to his mom last night, and she told him she will be seeing them again soon, and will set up a time for them to call again, as that's really the only time they feel they can do it. Thats too bad, but we'll take what we can get right now. Smile


bellacita's picture

maybe one day she will stop being a NUTCASE and teh kids can feel free to call y'all when shes around!! who knows chel...stranger things have happened!! Smile

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Chel Bell's picture

That would be some thing, but you know, it really does not bother me as much as it used to. I know how she is, and how she "writes people off", and she vhemenently hates us, so I guess it's better off that the skids don't poke the bear by trying to talk to us with her around, or from "her" phone, in "her" house....thats just how she is, and that is some thing I do not expect to change. "~waiting on the world to change~"

Karma_'s picture

he he he I pictured our BM when you said poke the bear... I know just what you mean, and yes its better to leave her be.

Isn't amazing how much difference it makes to your stress levels when you know your kids are happy and their life is a little more peaceful.

Here's to peace and quiet. Long may it continue.

She'll be too busy with 'the boys' to bother you hopefully.

}:) Being my husbands third wife does not make me third rate. It makes him a slow learner }:)