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OT Being a landlord sucks! Any insurance agents out there?

Catlover's picture

My tenants have turned into complete nightmares! I have a condo that I owned prior to meeting DH that I have rented out for the past two years. Since I moved into DH's house when we got married and the housing market was so bad that it wouldn't sell, so I decided to rent it out and at least cover the mortgage. UGGGGGGG

First, an exterior water pipe burst (it is a multifamily condo in a building with 7 other units) and leaked water into our storage unit in the basement. DH and I had to replace cost of drywall and plumbing! In addition some of our tenants personal property was damaged. I told him to file with his renters insurance. He wanted to list me as the individual at "fault". No way, I told him. This was not forseeable, nor preventable, so I am NOT liable for this! I repeatedly asked to speak to his insurance agent (or to have a copy of his claim) cuz he was stating he was out 5000 dollars (not possible as I saw his damaged unit unless he had antiques in those boxes). He never provided me proof he filed a claim (though he did say that the insurance company told him that no one was "at fault" for the water pipe.

Next, the washer in his unit overflowed, causing the carpeting to get completely soaked in the hallway. He blew a fit and told me that he and his family couldn't live there because it wasn't habitable. I had a carpet installer and new washer ready to be installed within 3 days, but suddenly he wasn't available to move his crap for the install to take place until 2 weeks had passed. Of course, he wanted me to give him a free month of rent ALONG with paying him for his daughters ballet classes, wife's personal training etc they missed because they HAD to stay out of town. Ummmm no.

So he calls the health inspector....who says essentially that the place IS livable and he can't withhold rent. He continues to press me and I tell him that I would not discount the rent because He was the one who delayed the repairs.

Now he's back on the issue of his 500 dollar renters insurance deductible for the personal property in the storage unit. He just sent me an email saying he's going to sue me unless I pay him 500 dollars. Keep in mind he's been late with his rent every month for the past 4 months.

LIKE I NEED THIS CRAP! OMG DH and I are dealing with court issues with BM, we're tapped out dealing with SS's behavioral issues, not to mention the financial stress we're going through and now I have this.

So should I let the guy sue me, or pay him off????


Amazed's picture

He sounds like a total first class anus. Get rid of him quickly if you can. I'd speak to an attorney versed in property management to see if this moron has any cause to do the things he is doing.

Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha

BMJen's picture

And good grief, it's a PITA isn't it?

It still amazes me how 30 air conditioners can go out at the same exact time, but I swear it happens.

Speaking of it, I better get back to it!

But first, no, don't pay him the five hundred. That's what he has insurance for. Yes it's a deductable but you are not responsible. One of my tenants tried to do this to me, we went to court. I won. You are not responsible for the damages. He could have chosen a ded. much lower.

bioandstep2009's picture

Jeez, what a drag! I am a landlord myself. Had to rent out my place when I moved in with FH because of this crappy a$$ real estate market here in the South East. I am WAY upside down because i bought when it was a seller's market and prices were ridiculous.

Anyway, I can't complain about my tenant too much. He's a handyman (used to do work for me actually) and his lease states that he's responsible for any and all repairs Wink

Smonster's picture

I had to rent my home when I moved in with DH because we couldn't sell it because of the poor real estate market. We ended up having to evict her because she had not paid rent since April. I just went over there this morning to have the water turned back on and it is one filthy and I mean filthy mess. DH is ripping out all of the carpet today and I will be painting and cleaning all weekend. Yuck Oh and SS has ringworm - life can't get much better than this!