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Time to let it out....

carmensoto's picture

So this is my very first time in this forum and to be honest I'm not sure why I didn't do this sooner. Anyways, I am a bio-mother and I am also a sm. My bio son is 11 yrs old while my skids are older ages from 21-14 with that being said I would like to also introduce myself, My name is Carmen and im 29 yrs old... yeap crazy that I have skids that age I know and no my husband is not old at all he just started early I guess. Well we've been together for 4 years and married going on two. I have tried and tried and tried to care for his children as much as I care for mine. but truth be told its very difficult to do. But today is one of those days that you just call it "done". Living with us is two of his 5 kids a 15 yr old boy and a 17yr old girl. My relationship with my SS is not the best but is not horrible either. He is super disrespectful to me and is stuck in his way. ugh just thinking about it makes me so mad... well this semester in school he is failing math but it seems like he has given up and not even trying. He comes home sits on the freaking sofa to play his stupid games from the moment he comes from school to the time he goes to bed. He doesn't eat nor care to do anything around the house. The only chore he has is to take the trash out THAT'S IT. you would think that's easy enough right? well no we have to remind him to do it and when he does it it with the biggest attitude that guys if he was my son I would just slapped the crap out of him. So back to math, this past two or three weeks I have been telling him to stay after school to get help with math. nope he doesn't want to. He says there's no point on staying cause he's failing anyways. So yesterday he got in the car and handed his father (my husband) a form while I was on the phone with my mom and I knew he was doing so cause I was on the phone and he wanted to ask his dad alone so I didn't say no to what he was asking. So whats the form? the form is for a "club" he wants to join. It so happens that the club's gatherings are AFTER SCHOOL. So me in my mind is saying wait... you want to stay for a club but you cant stay for math? so I told my husband "I don't think is right that he wants to stay for a club when he is not willing to work neither in class nor at home on his math grade." I also told my husband "I'm not filling anything out for him because is a waste of time and gas. I would spend gas and time if he was staying for his math but not for this" so what does my husband do? He says I will fill out the paper but you need to do better in math...WHAATTT I just cant take it anymore. the level of disrespect I get from my SS has made me bitter and mean. He has said to F** me before, he has said that he will not respect me as a parent because me and his dad weren't married (that was before we got married) he has said that why does he have to clean when he goes to school and that's like his job. Mind you I went from having an only child that was 8 went I met my husband to taking care of teens with horrible habits. I'm sorry this is so long but I really don't like talking to my mom because I don't want her to act different towards them. at the end of the day they will always be my husbands kids but there's moments like today where I just cant do it anymore. will all that I think what led me to look for something like this forum is bc my husband and I got in one of the most horrible fights this morning and I told him I was Done. He did call and said he was sorry but at the end of it all I cant help but to think "this will happen again" I don't Sad know maybe I'm wrong but I just don't know.

OK, I think that's end for today. Thanks for stopping and reading my life drama... if you leave a comment also thank you


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Welcome!!! Sometimes it just is insane... And sometimes you just want to scream and pull all your hair out and then punch something for good measure. lol

I can't give anything solid because I super struggle sometimes, a lot. But I know my DH struggles with not backing me up sometimes and it makes me livid. You need to discuss that with him and see if you two can come to an understanding on the topic... If he's failing a class he loses privileges in my opinion... I got like an A- in 8th grade and got a 9 hour lecture... That's the extreme and my parents weren't exactly the best at healthy parenting... BUT, I do think that there are repercussions for not doing well. And coping attitude. You cope attitude and privileges should go too...

I know that doesn't help... But hopefully it made you feel a bit less alone... I'm sure the others on this site will have some more solid advice for you! Smile

carmensoto's picture

HELLO!!! thank you for the warm welcome. Yeah I always try to find that "happy medium" but on days like today its just like "forget it" lol. I think I will have a talk with my husband to see what can be done about it to maybe release the stress! Smile

StepMat789's picture

Welcome to the world of step parenting. Disengage and you will feel so much better. Let the dad handle his kids, you focus on yours.

Prayers to you sister.

carmensoto's picture

I’ve tried before but I get so angry when my husband just lets things go... thank you though. I shall give it another try!

lieutenant_dad's picture

"DH, I will not have adult children, yours or mine, living in this house ever unless they are actively in school or something unexpected and catastrophic happens. I don't care if SS fails out of school, but I won't live with an adult child. Period."

When he comes back and says something about how he won't let his kids be homeless or whatever, reply with:

"That's fine if YOU want to live with them, but I won't. End of discussion."

Then you walk away from it all. You can't make him care about his grades because he doesn't respect you, so stop trying. Start working on the things you CAN control. If he won't take out the trash, assign the duty to your DH. Every time it needs to be taken out, tell your DH. Either he'll do it or he'll make his son do it.

And if your SS disrespects you, call him on it. "SS, you will NOT disrespect me in my own home. Get out and go for a walk." He doesn't leave? Change the password to the internet to something only YOU know. Take his door of his room - it's your door. If you help pay his cell phone, cut off the line. Your DH can deal with his behavior or work twice as hard to provide for him the things that are YOU have given freely as PRIVILEGES.

You are the adult in the house. Act like it and take back control. Tell your DH you are an adult and will be respected and that you are disappointed and disgusted that he would allow anyone to disrespect his wife, the woman he vowed to cherish above all others. You'll learn really quickly what kind of husband you have.

carmensoto's picture

You’re good!! That’s exactly what I told them both today. I was done so either they get it together or they can figure it out on their own.
Thanks for the advice.

Acratopotes's picture

welcome.. and good luck.

You are way to young to be SM to 5 kids, I'm sorry but disengage and no adult child will be living with you and DH,