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Signing Kids up for sports

cantseeeyetoeye's picture

bm just informed me yesterday that she took sd10 to TRAVELING softball tryouts. the games are all on weekends (and we have her every other weekend), so she told sd that she would have to get her dads permission. sd told bm that her dad said yes, but he never actually did. bm should have called and talked to us about this. i have a son that is only 1 and my dh works every saturday. i also work full-time and need to get things done around the house on weekends. sd is already in softball locally tuesdays and thursdays and the traveling would be too much for us this year. bm already said she won't take it away from her if she makes the team (which she probably will because there are different tiers).


cantseeeyetoeye's picture

We have 40% placement. She doesn't ask us for money for it, but that's not what we care about. We just don't have the time to commit to this, but we don't really want her taking her on all of our weekends either and losing more time with her. She is already in softball, soccer and basketball locally through the year, so it's not like she's not involved in sports already.