I'm about to dance with the DEVIL and FDH is more worried about HIS vacation! "My time is precious."
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
ARE YOU MOTHER FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! I am going through some serious shit with my ex, pertaining to DS16. I have only written a couple blogs in the past. But in a nutshell I have retained a lawyer, refused to send my son back to his dad (we share custody)and had to quickly leave my house for overnight for safety reasons. DS16 is just an emotional and mental wreck, I'm staying strong but am on edge because, well the EX is fucking psycho!
FDH is on vacation this week, and is pissing and moaning about how he should "just go to work on monday" (boo fucking hoo) cause of all this shit. He is saying it with an attitude of how it is ruining HIS vacation.
WELL EXCUSE THE FUCK OUT OF ME THAT I DIDN'T PICK A BETTER TIME FOR YOU! I said, "seriously? this ISN'T about YOU" His response:
"i know that. I don't mean it like that. it's just my time is precious to me." :sick: :jawdrop:
Ooooh excuse me once again mr. fucking insensitive! I just finished giving him the run down on what lawyers, cops, prosecutors, counelsors, have said. the strategy plan as far as keeping him safe, etc.... and after all that with his rude body language while I was trying to talk he says this shit!!!??? He can be the biggest fucking baby at times. So SO spoiled and selfish.
GAWD he can piss me off so so badly sometimes. Thanks for listening!
- cant win for losin's blog
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NO doubt! I was pickin up
NO doubt! I was pickin up what you were layin down on the sarcasm! That is exactly how I feel too. GAWD!!! And then when i am sitting here (ds is in at a safe house) at home fdh comes out to the living room after having a POOPY attitude from the second I get home from working all day after all this shit....
SO I'm sitting here on the couch and he is like, "the air on?" Me: "umm, no" Him: "why are the windows closed?"
I just give him that look cause he KNOWS why they are closed and locked. SO he is like, "nothing is going to happen. I am here. He is not going to break in, blah blah"
Well, shit head you are probably right. The common sense in me believes this too. BUT the victimized part of me for the last 10 years is a little more skeptical!
And yes sweet pea (thank you) we are safe. DS is not here so IF anything happens (even if it is just a shouting match in the front lawn) it doesn't happen in front of him.
Wow..sounds like alot all at
Wow..sounds like alot all at once. Sorry for whatever danger you and your son are in. Your dh sounds like he has his head up his ass at the moment.
hang in there.
Thank you WTFR. You are
Thank you WTFR. You are right, fdh DOES have his head up his ass at the second. I know that the situation frustrates him too. He is just as tired as we are from ALL the years of the stuff the ex has done. And I DO get what the meaning is behind what he is trying to say when he says it that way (about his vacation) AND the timing he chose to say it was waaay off, but still?! Like really? I would think he would be thinking, "well at least I'm off this week to help you with whatever you need." SMDH
Yup my phone is right next to
Yup my phone is right next to me and actually the volume turned up now. I have no hesitation to call the cops if need be. The ex is so flippin unpredictable. Drives me insane. ALL in one, I wouldn't be surprised if he stopped over here, and then again I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't. The divorce was like this too. Of course as time went on I found out more and more things that he did that I didn't know then. Like driving by people's house that he thought I might be there. Following friends. flattening tires, etc....
So thankful school is not in right now. Sadly my son cannot go to football practice this week cause I can't take the chance that the ex would show up.
I can't take him to his counseling appointment. He can not live his normal daily activities right now.
I couldn't get into the lawyer for an official appt until this coming friday, but I'm stopping up there on monday.
Tog, Yes my son can, but we
Tog, Yes my son can, but we have to go to court for the custody change. A couple days before my ds was to go back to his bd's he made his final decision by voicing it to me. He has had enough of the mis treatment from his bd and sm. There was a straw that broke the camels back incident. SO I got my ducks in a row within 24hrs, retained a lawyer, seeked advice on what i can do to prevent this (him having to go back to his bd) etc....and here we are now. BS tucked away, ignoring the calls, the texts, screenshots of the facebook posts. As we all know here it is the emotional side that can be the most exhausting.
I'm totally NOT offended by you saying you understand where fdh is coming from. Cause I do understand his frustration too. fdh has TOTALLY kept his mouth shut for 7 years now. I mean TOTALLY. He too is effected, I don't deny that. He too has a right to feel frustrated and angry and to express that. It was just poor timing, and team that with his poopy attitude. Which also came from the fact that he had to sit with OUR DD all day on Saturday while I carted my ds around to the safe house and then straight away to work. Because I KNEW fdh would be feeling this way (poopy) I was like, "let's have a fire and some drinks" I even said this at the beginning of my day cause I knew he was already pissy from knowing he was going to have to watch dd. Then I also told him that on such and such day WHILE i am working, when we drive to my session he will take the bike and AFTER I am done working we will go for a ride with my clients, have a drink, eat some food, etc.....Trying to still prove and show him he can still have a vacation. He could even ride WHILE I was working. So...that's just him sometimes when he gets mad. But the timing and the way it was worded was totally wrong. I didn't argue with him. I was pretty much like whatever and said it isn't about HIM. Then we both let it be. He can ride his bike today and that will make him happy.
I think too because now we KNOW we won't lose this case, and that anything the ex does will just make his side of the case look worse, fdh feels like we are so so so close to an end, and having the upper hand.
I'm sorry you are going
I'm sorry you are going through this. Hugs for you and your son. And I hope you can figure out a way when the dust settles to explain to DH how insensitive he was and how that hurt you. He should be worried about you, not thinking it's an inconvenience.