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Perfect example of why I say my skids are SO UNINTELLIGENT!!!

c-mom's picture

I don't think anybody understands when I say my skids are unintelligent. I don't mean they can't solve 20 + 20 which yes, for them at 13 and 10 would even be a chore. They do things like what I'm about to write constantly and I MEAN CONSTANTLY and never show any sort of intelligence. They are sitting on a swing in the front yard, SS (The 10 year-old) calls me. He says "S, we rolled forward and D (the 13 yo) stuck her thumb right in Dog Poop!" I said, "She stuck her thumb in POOP???" SS says "Yes, ma'am." and starts laughing. I say, "And she is still sitting there with poop on her thumb?!". SS says, (oh and you thought the story leading up to this was horrible) "No ma'am. Don't worry. She wiped it off on some leaves and then wiped her hand on her pants." OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! I'M GOING TO GO CRAZY!!! I said, that is absolutely disgusting, you guys." But guess what? They are still sitting right there 5 minutes later. SMH. :jawdrop:


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Ewwww!!! Sounds like they need someone to teach them manners about cleanliness!!! Yuck!! Im saddened that SDs first impulse wasnt to go Wash her hands real good in sudsy water!! Thats disgusting!!!

On a lighter note-- atleast they got the m'am part down! Lol

Hang in there- I dont know what it is about skids & filth. They seem to love it. Which grosses us SMs out!!! Yuck!!

c-mom's picture

I have been teaching them for three years now. And dh is a complete germaphobe and he is always harping on them about
stuff like this. They just don't seem to grasp things that don't hit them like a Mac truck.

c-mom's picture

She does not care. I can't tell you how many times I have broken it down for them, VERY graphically mind you. I have a cop that I use to bathe my dogs. I gave hidden it, and moved it, I don't know how many times. She finds it and drinks out of it! Her dad says when I sent him down there, she was sniffing the shitty thumb. Puke!!!!!

c-mom's picture

Cup not cop. And sorry for all other typos. On my phone and darn Swype text likes to play games.

Anywho78's picture

LMAO! I understand...really, I do!

My Skids are A & A/B students (9 & 10). I have to stop myself weekly(or more) from asking "How do you pull A's at school?" because their brain function is GONE as soon as they cross the threshold of our apartment!

Gracious it's annoying!

oldone's picture

I grew up in utter poverty with relatives that were lucky to finish 10th grade (Appalachia).

When I was younger I would have fought to the death over the thought that intelligence was ever genetic.

But now as I am older I see how much genetics really do play a big role in who we are. Now being poor and uneducated does NOT mean that one is not smart. Sometimes circumstances just keep people down.

Nothing is ever guaranteed - but when two really smart people reproduce they almost always get smart kids. But when a smart man or woman chooses a partner who is downright stupid (it's the hormones!) their children often are not so lucky.

Not that being smart is everything. I'd pick a "good person with a moral compass" over a "smart" person anyday.

c-mom's picture

Their mom is neither smart nor a good person with a moral compass. Ss failed second grade because she couldn't help him with his homework because "she didn't understand his assignments". She (a 34 yo woman) one asked her 13 yo brother thus: "Seth! How do you spell Rufus?! Is it r-o-o-f-i-s, or r-A-f-i-s?" And she is an alcoholic, drug addicted, whore. And I actually mean that. She is at a hotel in the beach sleeping with men who are renting rooms for somewhere to stay.

oldone's picture

Kind of proves my point doesn't it? When these men reproduce with pond scum they quite often get children who aren't much better.

c-mom's picture

Amen!!! I was already committed way before I ever got to know her. He doesn't bad-mouth her which pretty much equals he never said anything bad about her and so I imagined she was a decent person who had a change of heart. Over the years with him I have found out the ugly truth. No wonder these kids are so messed up.

c-mom's picture

I guess she presumed it was the BM since I did put that DH is a germophobe. LOL My DH is an intelligent man but he is also a "hard-assed nut" type man. The kind that doesn't say much and can't be cracked. It is just as much his fault for not sharing his wisdom with them as it is hers for not having any. But it is also more his fault that a woman who can't do second grade homework was his idea of a good person to reproduce with.

c-mom's picture

^My point with this being that it is just as much his fault because his idea of teaching them anything is "You had better do this or else....." instead of "You should do this because if you don't this could happen." Kids love to see what they get away with so making everything into rules makes them want to act out whereas sharing some wisdom about the ways of life encourages them to want to do better all on their own.

c-mom's picture

New scenario, the 13 yo picked a bunch of my Azaleas to hand out at church yesterday. She asked me what she should put them in to get them there and I told her to get one of my really big coffee mugs, fill half way with water, and put the stems down in the water. She did so and when we got home from church she got out of the car and left the empty mug sitting on the back seat of my car. I said "SD, you are the one who put that mug in my car, now you need to get it out of my car since you are done with it." I go to get coffee this morning and TADA!!!! She did as I said and got the mug out, but then took it straight in the house AND PUT IT BACK IN THE CUPBOARD WITHOUT BEING WASHED! But it isn't dirty because she didn't drink out of it. UGH! Such simple concepts that I cannot get through their thick skulls!