Holy Cow were does it end
Well its only getting better. Not only am I having to deal with a crazy BM and Skids but also a SM. I have been staying out of my dads issues because he is a grown man and made his bed now he is having to sleep in it. BUTTTTT WOW I so pray for my Dad he really has got himself in a big mess too.
He re-married two years ago and it was less than a year of my mothers death (marriage of 56 years). It was a happy marriage they done everything together and I can honestly say I never heard them have any disagreements. (I ask dad once why I never heard them and he laughed because we never did). I was heartbroken but kept my mouth shut and didnt step up, now I wish I had of.
My dad is 81 years old and can still out work most younger people very blessed health but with what he is going through it is starting to take its tow on him. The women he married was raising her two grand-children a 9 and 14 year old girls. Now if that isnt hard enough on a 81 year old her son the dad of the grandchildren moved a fifth wheeler into my dads yard (was suppose to be temp. but has been there over a year now).
Okay this is long so sorry but I have to air.... The son is bi-polar and the new wife of my dad says that he cant raise his own children. Oh my gosh I know lots of people bi-polar that if they stay on their meds they function just fine. Any way I found out from my dad that the pickup the son drives belongs to the new wife and that she supplies him all his money for everything. EVERYTHING.
Bought him the fifth wheeler supplied it with all new furniture including 4 new t.v. (sorry in a fifth wheeler and how many t.v's can one person watch at a time).
He (the son) smokes, drinks and has no job. Oh it gets better she also pays all his utilities that is hook up to my dads electric line and water.
That is when I blew, me and both my brothers have always been taught to stand on our own. I told dad he better cut the line or I was this is down right stupid the son is 47 years old. Talking about parental abuse lol.
He never has helped supply any food or clothing money to help with his two girls since they were born. His ex didnt want the girls so money bags grandma took them.
But now what I'm afraid of is she has run out of money because recently dad added her to his checking account. I'm one of his power of attorneys is why I know not being a nosey step daughter just was notified. Any way I noticed that she the new wife kept saying I'm not expecting your dad to help me with my kids I will take care of them. YEAH RIGHT.
She is a money grubber and dad is in her claws oh brother. I hope he wakes up before he loses everything he has worked so hard for. I am so afraid she is going to rob him blind and leave him with nothing. Lord help him
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Thats how I found out my dad
Thats how I found out my dad was airing about his ss staying in the front yard for so long and then everything else started spilling out. I know my mouth fell open when he was talking. Gees I feel so sorry for him. He told me here while back that he always said he would never marry again after my mother but he said I did then he followed it with I never said I would ever get a divorce and then he went silent. He is a very strong christian and does not believe in divorce. I his one and only daughter have been divorced twice. lol and his middle son has been divorced once. But any way I just told him I supported him in whatever he desided to do. I am a daddy's girl and this is just killing me to keep my mouth out of it but I really am trying.
I have to be notified if
I have to be notified if anything is change being one of the poa me and my brothers all have to be notified if there are any changes thats how I found out she was added to his checking account and I am on there too so I have ability to check it to see where the money is going. But still its scarey that someone can come in and play mind games on you to the point you forget that money was not made by her but by him and my mother.
He should put his house n
He should put his house n assets in your name just In case
Dont I wish lol that would
Dont I wish lol that would never happen she is very two faced. She tells dad she wants to get close to me but then when he isnt around she cuts my girls down and myself once to the point I got up and left and wouldnt go back for months. She puts a big show on in front of the extended family like she really care. Get this one of my Aunt on my mother side passed away and dad myself and one of my brothers was going to go together to the service low and behold the morning we was to leave guess who invites herself. I had to text my mothers family to let them know she was coming trust me mouths fell open that she had the nerve to invite herself.