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Bubbly1's Blog

Been busy, with my NEW JOB! haven't posted in a while.

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Soooo, I've been super busy, new job is keeping me that way and its GREAT! I'm so happy and fdh is too! We actually have a little extra cash flow coming in.

This job is temporary however, but imma ride this train while its rolling! I've got a savings account and I'm putting aside what I can, while I can.

Fdh is also looking into jobs in my home state so we may be looking at a big move here soon! Things are finally looking up people!

So what CAN I do?

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Several people posted on my last blog for me to find Ex2, nail his balls to the wall, take every penny, so on and so forth.

I've gone thru child support enforcement in the state I'm in (South Carolina) I've given them ALL information I have on him, and still nothing.

We were never married, so there is no co, anything.

He lost it one day, I called the cops and had them remove him from my home, he left and has never looked back.

So, what am I not doing, or doing wrong?

May be tmi BUT I gotta share!!! ;)

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SOO, since our vday was ruined by the kids my mom offered to keep ALL my kids this weekend for fdh and I to get a "do over" (yes my mother should be sainted!)

We dropped said kiddos off at my Mom's Friday night and headed home holding hands and making googly faces over a late dinner. Then drove home and fdh and I got busy and PASSED out!

We woke LATE saturday went to our favorite Mexican place for lunch and drinks. Rented a load of movies for a cozy night in by the fireplace. UNTIL.....the kid next door came over and asked if my dd's could go roller skating w/her.

UPDATE: on our vday debacle.

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SOoO, its been 6 days since my lovely children decided to ruin My and Fdh's v-day dinner. 6 loooong days. No tv, no ipod, no cell phones, you get the picture. Dd13 decided to write her apology letter to Fdh and I. Also she has gone above and beyond on household chores! GO DD! She has also decided that she (we did not tell her to write this into her letter, it was unprovoked!) Will do better concerning her manners, and not complaining when we can't afford the 4 hour round trip drive to take her to her friends house.

What The Hell Happened Last Night?!!?(some language)

Bubbly1's picture

:? MY BIO-KIDS ruined my v-day with fdh. Had a wonderful day pampering myself, hair and nails done, a little retail therapy. Ran a little late getting home, so the two hour drive to drop the kids off at Grandma's was out of the question. They all get pissy and my dd13 takes my phone and texts her friend calling me a "cooch" and a "bitch" because I wouldn't drop plans with fdh and take them.

$$$ is all a Lawyer sees when we walk in the door!

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Doesn't matter that I've spent 9yrs getting the crap kicked outta me by asshole X. Doesn't matter that I have three small children from those 9yrs that asshole X doesn't see OR support. It also doesn't matter that I have a degree I can't use because of asshole X. All these lawyers see when a woman walks thru the door is dollar signs. How much they can take you for. Not, how they can HELP you, how you can help their bank account!

DANGER! Language ahead!

Bubbly1's picture

Today has been the day from HELL! I have had numerous things go bad or wrong. But the absolute WORST, My kids Bd has gotten married! I'm SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! He has abandoned his kids, not spoken to or seen them in three years. NEVER paid a dime in support. Yet, he can afford a FUCKING wedding!!! WHAT THE FUCK??????

I did everything I could, Bm is digging a hole she may not get out of.

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}:) As some of you may know from reading my blogs, our bm is a total nut job. She has and probably will continue to dig herself a nice hole to bury herself in.
After contacting the police the day before yesterday, and told her I did so she has sent SEVEN more emails, AFTER I told her police reports were filed and I was advised to tell her and ask she stop contacting me. SEVEN more. So I contacted the sheriff and filed another report! I hope she ends up in jail for harassment. I really do. Then maybe she can get some mental help. She obviously needs it.

Jabba just couldn't take the boundaries (language is pretty bad)

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Well Ripley, you guessed two days, you were the closest!!! The civility lasted ONE FREAKING DAY!!!! Jabba emailed, then texted then emailed AGAIN!!! It went as follows;

Jabba-I think this is considered an "issue"...don't you ever threaten me with cps or law enforcement. I bust my ass for those girls & do everything I can for them. You EVER threaten me like that again & I promise with ever fiber of my being I will cloud up & rain all over you!
