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BM's Stepmom called me

BSgoinon's picture

Sooooo… BM's Stepmom called me today to tell me how dinner with BM and SS went last night.

She said LITERALLY exactly what SS said “it was awkward and we won’t be doing that again any time soon”. She said that when they picked BM up, she and her dad immediately got in a fight and he told her to get out of the car. She said they ALMOST left her there. But didn’t.

She also said that when SS got in the car, she didn’t greet him in any way. No I’ve missed you so much or you look great, no hug. Just “HI”… “HI”… there was no conversation between them at dinner. When he would get out of the car he didn’t wait for her, he just started walking really fast to the door. And at the mall, he wouldn’t walk with her. He walked ahead with his grandpa and BM's stepmom walked with her. Apparently she looks “SO BAD, JUST HORRIBLE” and her own dad couldn’t even look at her. So, they (Bm's dad and stepmom) had a long talk about it and they (finally) decided that her poor choices and the way she acts/ looks doesn’t go unnoticed by her son. And they won’t be facilitating visits anymore.



bearcub25's picture

That would be the best thing all around. I'm afraid you are going to get that call in the near future and you won't have to worry about her anymore. As a Mother, to not have a relationship with my kid would absolutely kill me. I just don't understand how so many women just don't care about their kids.

Give him a big hug.

BSgoinon's picture

Interesting you say that... my first thought was, she has nothing left to live for, she may just kill herself. I was NOT wishing this on her. It was just the first thought that came to mind. And then I thought, nah... she doesn't care enough to. Now she will just use it as an excuse to get high.

bearcub25's picture

I thought she would 'unintentionally' do it by OD'ing. I doubt she cares enough about SS to actually kill herself, IMO.

It's sad, I feel for anyone going thru addiction. I did years ago and beat it and wouldn't touch a pain pill if someone paid me today. My kids are what got me to kick it, so I just don't understand others that won't for their kids.

uofarkchick's picture

You can't OD on meth, unfortunately. If you could, my ex wouldn't have lived long enough to meet me and make my life a living hell. But it sure can make you crazy enough to do something stupid. I wish he'd finally take enough to make him throw himself in front of traffic. A girl can dream...

BSgoinon's picture

That's kind of what I have been thinking will happen. She will get SO high that something stupid will happen. OR, she will piss off the wrong (or right, depending on how you look at it) person...

BSgoinon's picture

Moving, I assumed you could OD on it, but I have never looked in to it, so I didn't argue the point. But honestly, I have been more interested in the crowd she runs with being dangerous... being that she used to take SS around them.

notsobad's picture

Are you having a fentanyl problem in the states?

They are adding it to cocaine, heroine, ocxy, extasy and meth.

It is a huge problem here, recreational users and addicts are dying left and right.

BSgoinon's picture

I get it now. I think my brain was on overload that day LOL. Yes BM is a meth addict.

BSgoinon's picture

Ohhhhhh I get it LOL. I have no idea if we have a fentanyl problem. I've never even heard of it.