BM Timeline
Maxwell, this one is for you. I am going to generalize, if I start details this would end being a very long blog!
2005-DH and I start dating. BM full blown stalks DH, even sends people to follow us to our softball games that we played on a team together and report back to her about us doing things like sitting on the tailgate of his truck changing in to our cleats :jawdrop: the HORROR! LOL. BM feels like she has complete control of SS, because she is "the mom" even keeping SS from DH a few times because she was mad at him for something completely NON SS related. For example: sending her to VM after she blew up his phone. SS turned 2 when we had been together about 6 months. DH is not "allowed" to have overnight visits with him. That changed when he moved in with me. BM was fired from her full time job (same company both DH and I worked for, different building) We are aware that BM smokes weed. DH tells her just don't do it with SS there. Nothing we can do, not that big of a deal.
2006-2007 DH and I have been living together a few months. SS now with us 50% of the time. BM goes through phases of wanting to be my best friend, and loathing my existence (who knows why). When she isn't happy with me, she uses SS against DH. Telling the preschool that I do not have permission to pick him up, putting it in writing and then retracting it a day or two later. She has coached SS to call me "b*tch" and "monster". She told DH that SS told her that my OBD was "touching him". SS was 2, he could not articulate a sentence like that if his life depended on it. And... NO, just NO. DH and BM have gone to mediation a few times, DH always gets more than asked for, and BM leaves crying. BM works for a manufacturing company, but calls in sick a lot. She has a "serious boyfriend". She ends up getting fired from said job, and boyfriend leaves the country to "visit his grandma", he never came back and never calls BM. Guess that means they broke up. BM at some point gets SS kicked out of his preschool. I get him back in with the stipulation that she isn't allowed on their property. BM AND HER MOM, then start making calls, get him kicked out again. I enroll him elsewhere, she tells this school that DH has no custody. This was the beginning of the end of her involvement in his education. She can't hold a steady job. Fired from every job after a few weeks.
2008-2014 This was a slow decline. Kindergarten and first grade she would go to parent teacher conferences, attend school functions and come to his baseball games. Around 2013 she decides her new man was more important and basically stops coming to anything. I continue to do as I always have, and attend everything. BM went through approximately 18 jobs in this time. Still smoking weed, often. When BM does show up to a game, she sits in a corner, doesn't mingle, no one knows who she is yet she gets upset when people think I am the mom... :? Around 2014 we begin to suspect her drugs have branched out further than weed. She has open sores on her skin, she has lost several teeth. Lost mass amounts of weight. Basically LOOKS like a tweaker. SS is with us a lot more, since she doesn't go to his games, we keep him.
2015- BM spirals HARD. CPS is called due to mold in her house. SS is living with us full time for a few months. She moves out of that house, and in to another (mind you... still not holding a job) skin worse, weight worse, behavior, SS is staying with her, but she isn't able to get him where he needs to be often, so he is with us even more. This is when she tells me that a demon raped her in her house, her behavior is downright frightening. CPS is called due to suspicion of drug use in the home. She avoids them for over a week (long enough to clean out her system) basically puts on the sob story "poor me, I'm not a junkie, I'm just poor, feel bad for me". CPS buys in to her act and dismisses the case. A few months later she meets Meth Man... Oh man. This is getting bad. People are confronting us about her strange behavior. Parents of SS's friends, school admins, HER PARENTS. She has stopped paying her rent and is now being evicted. She tells me that she is moving in with Meth Man and SS is going to be there with her. NO. THIS IS STOPPING NOW. She and I have a lonnnngggg talk. November rolls around and she FINALLY surrenders.SS is with us full time. Sees her about 4 hours a week. Still no job, no place to live (she is basically squatting in the house she is being evicted from). SS doesn't want to be there with her, and he has told her this.
It's been a long, weird road, and it certainly isn't over yet...
- BSgoinon's blog
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Thanks so much for this. It
Thanks so much for this. It seems like she went 1-50 gradually then 50-100 quickly. Unfortunately for me, if BM keeps following this pattern I still have a long way to go still. SS's BM doesn't smoke weed but has been known to pop adderall but so many people do that these days I can hardly say if it's the gateway to anything more serious. BM picks and chooses when she's MOTY already like not coming to his Christmas party but took off the next day instead for herself (birthday). He's going to start TBall within the next month or two so I guess we shall see if she comes to the weekly games and practices. It's all during the week so she might only be responsible if his games fall on a Friday evening (her pick up). So far she doesn't bother with his yearly Dr check ups or dental cleanings. She likes to wait until after its done and I've taken care of it so she can come at DH for excluding her. But next year is kindergarten so it's a whole new ball game with different school and staff.
My skids BM is just about the
My skids BM is just about the same way. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am you are and will be dealing with this. Look forward to the "rehab life is great mode" also referred to as the MOTY year mode. This will last a few months to a year possibly. Then back down the "all about me and my life road again". It's a strange roller coaster ride. Hold on tight!
Ugh, I am NOT looking forward
Ugh, I am NOT looking forward to that at all. She went to one or two NA meetings last week. During that time she text SS a little more than she has been in the past, but now she is back to not really existing. She told him she would call him after school on Monday... it's Thursday, still hasn't called.
Part of me thinks she will
Part of me thinks she will end up dead.
But a friend/acquaintance of mine from middle school has had severe drug problems (including meth) for decades. She's about to turn 70. Her clean living ex DH (divorced for decades) died 3 years ago. Never thought she would outlive him.
She looks like hammered sh*t. And this was one of the "beautiful people" as a young person. She weighs about 90 pounds, has bad teeth and with long dyed black hair looks like Elvira from the horror movie channel. She was a very well regarded attorney until she threw her life away.