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Not picking it up

Bradymom's picture

So. SS13 came Wednesday. Having had another bad day at school. I know that's a shock.

DH comes in "SS had a bad day."
Me: "Is he ok?" (I'm not heartless)
DH: "He wouldn't say."
Me: "Ok. How's his attitude?" (He's been warned to not be rude to us bc of his bad day- in past it's been over the top rude.)
DH: "I think ok. We will see. If not we can do work."

YES! Victory!!! He's getting it & following thru!

Now SS13 is ALWAYS the victim. ALWAYS being bullied. He is completely blameless. Always. & when DH has gone to the school. Nope. Not how SS said it happened. Constant problem. So Wednesday I'm figuring it's the same. He's been traumatized by some bully. (Roll eyes)

DH: "So what happened at school today that has you upset?"
SS: "Nothing happened. We can't do anything. Nothing. No fun. We can't throw snowballs, nothing!"

(there's the answer) Now within a millisecond I pick up on that he got in trouble for throwing snowballs. Why in the world does DH not pick up on this?! It's like he's blind to it. Ugh. So I ask when did they make that rule? (Knowing every school in America has that rule.) He says forever ago. I ask why do you think they made that rule? He says because they don't want kids having fun. I explain the obvious. Seriously of SS got hit with a snowball he would pop his mamas tiny lil tit out of his baby mouth & throw a huge fit. Because he's been bullied!!!! I attempt to get him to acknowledge he wouldn't like it. He argues. So I'm gonna white wash the lil turd next snow storm! Haha kidding. But. Seriously. And all DH says is schools should allow snowball fights. Yeah so we can hear your baby son cry more than he already does. Too any tit shaped mouths to do snowball fights anymore!

Later. I ask DH if he realizes SS probably got in trouble for throwing snowballs. No he thinks he was just bummed they couldn't throw them. Um. Yeah. Cause he is an awesome rule follower.