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SD10/BM starting drama and idk who to be mad at

borrowedtime83's picture

So, this afternoon BM calls and starts chewing SO a new one because SD10 started retelling an incident that occurred earlier in the week and this time threw in an accusation that I said "F-U SD10", which for the record I did not. Apparently she also told this same story to MIL.
This all started when I told both kids that were at home to clean up their mess and get ready for dinner.They of course tried to slack off and piled a bunch of junk on my craft table, so I said heck no both of you come back and clean up. SD10 got mad and said some of it was already there before and she didn't do it, and I said I didn't care you both use this area and it's both of your responsibilities to clean. We aren't going to sit here and debate who took what out.
Fast forward to bed time. DD is reading me a book and than just stops reading and says "SD10 said she never liked you since you first came here. " (a little background-my DD has several behavior issues ) That made me pretty mad and I walked out of the room. I didn't even know what to think. I was mostly mad that my daughter decided to ruin reading time by trying to tattle but the way she said it I knew in my heart was probably true. I started to say a few choice words in the hallway, but did not direct it at either child. I was pretty upset the rest of the night and the next day SD10 made up something and got off the hook and implicated DD. Then the next day it comes out that they were both just pissed at me for sending them back to finish cleaning and they both said they didn't like me, just my kid decided to tattle first. Should have been over and done with except SD10 decided to tell this story to MIL and then to BM and add in that I specifically cursed at her and called her out by her name. And now she is threatening us and saying how no one is going to be allowed to treat SD10 like crap. Wtf!? All I did was tell them to clean up, initially, and respond with frustration to a frustrating situation


oneoffour's picture

Just ignore it. I would love to see BM MAKE you respect her daughter. I mean how silly does she have to be?

borrowedtime83's picture

If this is the kind of thing that is going to happen , I won't parent anymore and when anyone wants to ask why I will reference this situation. The thing that is even more lame is that BM has said I was allowed to spank sd10, but I do something as simple as this and shut blows up in my face. Also now I am under the microscope about how I parent my kid with her behavior issues, and I am not about to take shit for that either. I have a psychiatrist, 2 therapists , a county mental health worker ,and the school social worker involved with trying to resolve her issues just to name a few. She won't even take sd10 to dental app that that SHE scheduled or to get her eyes checked even though she constantly spills things and obviously can't see things in small detail , but she is still MOTY somehow. Smdh...