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BM throwing a tantrum again

borrowedtime83's picture

She is raising hell because SD10 is going to have to attend school in the school district that we actually live in next year because she is going into middle school. And the school district we live in doesn't have as high of a rating as the one she attends now. So now she is accusing SO of not caring about her education and sabotaging her entire future because she is going to attend a school with a lower rating.
The only reason SD was able to stay in that school district for 4 additional years after we moved is because they offer before and after school care, which obviously is not available for middle school students. So BM, tell us how SD10 would be able to attend school across town and have no way to get to or from school since SO and I have to work and the bus isn't going to come out here and get her either?


borrowedtime83's picture

Yeah. I actually find her rage a bit insulting because my BD has been in this school district since Kindergarten and is now a 3rd grader and is doing great in school as well as being offered many opportunities for academic achievement above normal curriculum. It feels like she is implying that anyone who attends these schools is a moron. What she doesn't know is SD doesn't even like that school because it's a public school in a ritzy neighborhood and she gets picked on because we aren't "money " people.

borrowedtime83's picture

i guess she must be on hiatus from "looking for a job" or "working on her new years resolutions " and has decided to spend her time being pissed off and making other person as miserable as her. OR maybe her unmedicated BPD is acting up again. Who knows?
If SD10 is going to win a Nobel prize I highly doubt that going to school in our district will "hold her back ."
I went to school in a poorer inner city school district and I feel like I had more academic opportunities because they wanted kids to go to college and they had so many things to be involved in.
But, if we're going to fight about attending a "good" school, we might as well just send her to the real cake-eater territory and have her attend a school that is actually in the top 10 and not just slightly better than the one in our district.
Because Bm, the high school / college dropout ass is an authority on quality education and we should obey her every command.