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Who is concerned with YOUR feelings.

BMJen's picture

I posted earlier about husbands and the grief they go through.

Now tell me, who is in your corner? No matter what.....thick and thin......the first person you call when there is a bad day, a problem, just to fuss.

Mine is my husband.

I can tell him anything. I can bitch about my kids, our kids, his kids, the BM, anything in the world. He doesn't care. I can tell him some of the darkest feelings I have about things and he doesn't judge me. He's always there, in my corner, and whenever I need him he comes to my side.

I got fired once. It was was such BS. I was the top selling agent at the place, I made everyone else look bad because of how much better I did, and no I'm not bragging, look what it got me. I got fired because of a stupid screw up that every other agent had done 20 million times, but for me to do it once was the only in they needed and I was gone. I was SO upset. We had just bought a house, we were depending on my income to make that mtg. We are still behind because of it............I left that place in tears and ran straight to my husband. He held me, wiped my tears, and told me I can take the time to decorate our new home. I know he was so worried about how we were going to pay the bills it was insane, we had some savings though so we knew we would be okay for a little while.

I cried and cried and cried. Every time he saw me upset he starting picking on me! He turned it into the biggest joke ever. Even around friends that knew what happend he'd make comments like......uhoh, look out, don't get to close to SMJ, don't want to catch on FIRE. Jackass! LOL

He was right there though.......when we had our daughter he rushed me to the hospital, siren and lights blazing in his patrol car. He didn't leave my side until they made him for the emergancy c mom says that when they rolled our daughter by him that they stopped so he could get a look at her, she opened her eyes and looked at him, he cried like a baby while she just looked at her daddy! He stayed at the hospital with me for the entire three days I was there. He slept there in a chair. He didn't leave my side, except to go sneak me in some food! Taco bell...of course! Wink

I just know that no matter what life ever throws at me he is the one that will be there for me. It's great to know that I've finally found him, my soul mate.

Okay, I know, all gushy! We all fuss about stuff, let's take a break and talk about someone, your it is that is always in your corner.


Amazed's picture

I'm concerned with my feelings first...then DH is in my concerned corner...then my mom with a little less concern...then choochoo with more concern than the average 7yr old boy but still selfishly absorbed which is his right as a young child (i always laugh when I hear people say they're having a baby so they have someone to love them...little do they know children don't REALLY start appreciating you til they're older.)

~Always forgive your enemies...nothing annoys them so much~ Oscar Wilde

BMJen's picture

My son is 14 and I swear the kid still doesn't appreciate me. One day, One day!! Somewhere over the rainbow.....something like that! LOL

Colorado Girl's picture

I'm not sure who tops the list. Smile

Probably me as of late.

"Oh you'll figure it out, CG..."

I get that a lot. I wish I had as much faith in myself as other people seem to.

I am truly blessed to have some great friends, though, I'll tell you that much is true.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Sita Tara's picture

You just reminded me of something.

When my mom cared for my disabled brother...

When my sister was dealing with her addicted ex introducing their son to drugs so they would have a mutual interest to bond over...

When I was going through some health issues, then with BM/SD's PD issues, etc...

Our friends would often say, "Good thing it's you. You are so strong. You can handle this. Other people might not be ok, but you? You'll BE FINE."

My sister told me once, "I HATE that. I'm not that strong. I'm not ok. I need support and someone to help me through" etc. I told her it was our family curse- the ever strong and bend not break martyrs. The codependent curse might be a better term for it.

But we do I suppose, get through it. Sometimes I would love to know how it feels to rise all the way above it and stop having to tread water though, don't you?

"Parental love is unconditional, relationships are reciprocal." ~Zen

luckykell's picture

I can typically talk to my fiance about anything and everything. Only occassionally he'll 'shut down' when we have to talk about BM. Unfortunately she makes several stupid decisions about "Scooty's" scheduling and she won't keep her nose out of our relationship. Because of this, we have to discuss these issues. At first I got really defensive b/c I thought "well if he doesn't want to talk/agree with me that BM is nutso, then he's hiding something...or hiding feelings". Not the case, he finally explained that it wasn't that he didn't want to talk or that he didn't agree with me, he did! He explained that it was hard enough knowing that it was mistakes he had made with her in the past are affecting our lives now. So I try to talk less to him about BM issues, unless they seriously hurt me or Scooty. My best friend and I work together, and she has been a saving grace for me! I tell her everything! It's also very nice, b/c she is a BM (still in her nuclear family) but she listens to things we do vs things Scooty's BM does. And so I have a BM telling me not to worry, i'm not crazy, the BM in our situation is! So i'm lucky to have a couple of people in my life that'll listen to me. (Plus all you gals and guys on here!)

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

reeny511's picture

my hubby's in my corner for sure! The other day I bumped into one of his coworkers and she just went on and on about how my husband talks about me at work in the most loving and kind way. She told me "he loves you so much!". It just made my day!!! It's frustating loving a man with so much BM drama, but I know I will always be first in his life, and together we can handle anything.

reeny511's picture


ChaiLatte's picture

My poor mom. I wish I could say DH, but he's just not good with hearing things he doesn't like. I have a good relationship with my mother and tell her everything. She has to listen to all my frustration and has been my rock through so much. I feel bad for unloading on her, but I guess in a way that's what mom's are for.

Colorado Girl's picture

Therapists rock. Smile

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

kfeller1127's picture

My Fh is my biggest supporter! He will listen to me in regards to ANYTHING! And sometimes, he's TOO caring. A couple months ago I was having stomach pains daily and he was pressuring me to go to the Dr. and I was putting off making an appointment and FH called my sister to talk to her about it and then my sister called me and began pressuring me to go to the Dr. because FH is so concerned about me. She then had to tell me how lucky I am to have someone who cares about me so much!! At that moment, I was kinda pissed because I really didn't want anyone else to worry about me. But, it turns out, my stomach pains were due to the stress of FH and BM dynamics. That helped put an end to all the drama in that department!!!

lovelovelove's picture

You're lucky! My DH is Mr. America and never needs a doctor so he thinks people who get sick are "weak". He had to take me to the emergency room one time because I was really sick and I couldn't breathe (it was bad bronchitis) but it felt like someone was sitting on my chest. So, we go and DH was an asshole the whole time. He felt "put out" and like I really didn't "need" to go.

Anytime I am not feeling well and he has to do anything for me, he huffs and puffs and acts like a jerk. If it's his precious spawns, though...he is all up their asses when they are sick. Ugh...hate it!

Not sure why, but he is a wonderful man any other time. I just don't understand his lack of compassion for me when I am sick.

Love :?

LizzieA's picture

Nice post, SMJ. My DH is that for me, too. We are absolutely best friends. We are together A LOT because we are self-employed and guess what, we get along way better than most people would in this situation. I couldn't have done this with my former H. He is totally there for me and same here, we've been tested a lot with family hassles and now the economy and illness, but this is a real marriage and I thank God for him every day.

lovelovelove's picture

Myself, my mom and my therapist!

My DH never wants to hear about the ex and s-kids crap anymore, unless we need to discuss something important. It really annoys us both to talk about it anymore, actually!

Wish they would just disappear and DH and I could live happily ever after IN ANOTHER STATE!!!!!!!!

Love Wink

BMJen's picture

Oh Sia. Honey..........yes they are!!!! I know a whole group of ladies that are always there for you.....and I aint talking about ST! Wink

C'mon, you're having a bad day.......who is the one?

If you makes you feel any better I'm having a terrible day to. Aunt flow decided to not visit this month for some reason.............

Colorado Girl's picture


"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Marie09's picture

My DH is def my #1 supporter. He's my best friend and soulmate. I can talk to him about anything and everything under the sun. He's the first person I run to when I'm upset and want someone to tell me it will be okay.

Second would be my mother and grandmother. They both have unconditional love for me and support me and my decisions even if they dont agree. They've gotten me through a lot.

stepmom31's picture

Mom definitely tops my list. Even though she's going through her own hell at the moment, she makes sure to check on my feelings from very far away, no matter what the cost. And I don't know what i would do without her, just knowing that she is there, available, if I really really need an ear is such a relief to me. Then my sis and my girlfriends, who are also very far away, and cannot begin to understand some of the things I'm going through in stepfamily life, but I know that how I feel is of importance to them. Even though I know that DH loves me and will do his best to be there for me, and genuinely cares about how I feel, there are some times when he just doesn't seem concerned, sometimes it's because he's frustrated and dealing with his own issues, sometimes it's because my feelings arise because of his dealings with ex-wife and kids.

misguided's picture

It used to be my husband but he has turned into the person who now causes the most grief. We can't seem to talk anymore and it makes me so sad. I always thought home should be a place where you can turn to and be your soft landing but it feels like hard cold stone right now. Problem is that it is his ex wife and child that are causing us stress and he can't stop defending them and refuses to see them for what they are. We all have flaws but he feels this need to pretend his kids and ex don't!