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In regard to Barbie's most recent blog......what is the WORST thing you have ever done to/with your bio kids?

BMJen's picture

Since Barbie is feeling like a big ol meanie for, well for being a mom..........let's all tell her some stories. What's the worst thing you've ever done to your bio kids?

I have a story. It's very sad......embarassing.....I still can't believe I did it.

He was 3. I was sick with the flu. The DR gave me medicine that made me sleep. I told my x (at the time we were married) to make sure he locked the dead bolt before he left because I knew BS could reach the knob, and he was a sneaking little sucker, always trying to find a way out side. He had his own big boy bed, and he would wake up and not wake me up. In stead he would run around the house getting into any and everything, trying to get outside, etc. He was bad..........bad........bad I tell you.

Anyways, I was so sick and I took the medicine the night I got it at 8. Was crashed by 9. Slept until 7 am when I heard a loud knock at my door and someone yelling "Is anyone home, police, open up." I jumped out of bed and ran to his room. My son was not in his bed, or his room. PS, I only had a long night shirt on. I ran out to the door and the cops were all standing inside my entrance. I started yelling where is my son, what happend, OMG, where is my boy...etc. I was screaming and crying and there came BS up the stairs walking holding a cops hand. Guess what.....he was sitting in the middle of the road. He had apparently been out since 6:30 AM and my neighbor saw him (this neighbor had hit on me before and I turned him down so he didn't like me, instead of coming to me he called the cops). Anyways, I'm very thankful to said neighbor for getting him out of the road and bringing him in his house.

Some things happened from here. I cried my self to sleep for the next front of the front door, which is the only place I would sleep for a entire month.

I installed a chain lock, two more dead bolts, so high up that I could hardley reach them.

I chewed x's ass up and down time and time again for not locking the dead bolt like I asked. He knew I was taking that medicine, he knew BS knew how to open the door, I was freaking livid.

I still pray and thank God every single day that he didn't get hit by a car.

That's the worst thing that I've ever done as a BM. I still feel like he should have been taken away and given to a mother that wouldn't take sleepy medicine!! I bothered the cops so much that they finally told me, "Look ms. step mom jen.....I'm dropping it all together. If you promise to never call me again I promise this file will find it's way to the shredder." LOL!


mumzy79's picture

When BS7 was 2 yrs old I put him on a time out. To be honest I can't even remember what for. I knelt down to explain why he was on time out and he cocked his leg back and kicked me on the bridge of my nose ...a very sensitive area for me. I was so angry I spanked him. The first and only time I have ever spanked a child. I felt horrible. I didn't hit him hard or anything it was just that I disciplined in anger and spanked when I swore I never would spank. Plus he was only 2...ugh! He still mentions it to me.

stepmom2one's picture

My son sounds like your BS!! Here is my story....

Last year my son was 2 yrs. we got back from church on a summer day. My SD went down to her room to watch TV, H went outside. BS went into the living room to play toys. I was standing in the dining room by the patio door talking to H. I walked out and sat down. Then about 5 mins later a woman pulls up in her van (we live on a corner) and says "do you have a little boy?"
I went running over to her, she said he was right by the road a man was at the door with him. We ran around to the front of the house and at the front door was a man holding my sons hand. My son was wearing a t-shirt NO PANTS or DIAPER!! I thanked the man...walked into the house.

The front door was open,....he had unlocked the front door and screen door. The ottoman was by the door, he stood on. And his pants and diaper were at the closet!!

Could you imagine a half naked 2 yr old in the road?? Lucky it was a SUnday we lived on a busy street.

Now we have a lock at the top of our door AND a fenced in back yard.

Brazen arnt they?

BMJen's picture

Oh you just made me feel so much better! I swear I thought for the longest time I was the worst mother in history.

Wicked.Step.Monster's picture

My most recent bad thing is on Barbie's blog. Not one of my finer moments I promise. Sad

Kb3Hooah's picture

My family and I were on vacation at the beach. Me and my daughter were at the pool and she didn't know how to swim yet. We were in the shallow end of the pool so she decided to take her floaties off. I took my eyes off her for one second and next thing I know I was looking at her under the water. Her eyes were soooo big with fear looking up at me, but she couldn't talk since she was under water. I panicked, snatched her up and as soon as we got out of the pool I took her back to the hotel room, layed in the bed with her and cried my eyes out. I couldn't believe I took my eyes off of her and in that amount of time she had almost drowned. I just kept thinking to myself, your children trust you to protect them from harm and I had failed. I can still see the fear in her face everytime I think of that.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

BMJen's picture

OMG middlemom! I bet you still just cringe to even think of it.

Isn't it amazing that you can truley be the best mom in the world, and win the award for it, yet there is always something there.........something in the back of your head that you're like OMG I still can't believe I did that!

To error is human.

And we are all just that. Mistakes don't make us any less wonderful mommys though!

Kb3Hooah's picture

Yes I do! I will never forget her face that day, it is ingrained in my head forever, and makes me want to cry everytime I think of it.

But you know, we all make mistakes, not only as a parent, but with everything else in our lives. We live and we learn, and we become a better person for our mistakes.....that is, if we are willing to learn and grow from them. Smile

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”

Amazed's picture

AWW you guys are so sweet to empty your mommy skeletons to make me feel better! Thank you SO much!!! I feel worlds better this morning!! Ya'll are just so damned awesome!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!

~The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.~
Oscar Wilde

Amazed's picture

DPW, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about with the dog thing! The sad part is I can't decide what makes me feel worse...taking my anger out on the dog or my kid! The dog is so unconditionally in love with me and he is so fragile...I used to scream at him for eating the kitty litter over and over and over. He'd run and hide with his little tail between his legs and wouldn't come out no matter how nice I was after I calmed down...that really hurt.

I just get so sick of being nice sometimes. Being calm,being's exhausting.

~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn

HeatherM's picture

I have lots of mean moments... things I've had to ask my son for forgiveness for, or at least explain to him why I sometimes act like I do.. but the worst thing I do/did/have done is call him an idiot like his dad. I try not too...but in my rage it slips out...

I'm ashamed of it... Luckily my son and I have a fantastic relationship, where we communicate often. Because of this, he tends to be really understanding of his mother.

Most Evil's picture

Crayon that is terrible - that makes me so sad for you! I got spanked a million times and was on permanent restriction, myself . . .

I believe a spanking would have done many of my relatives including SD! a world of good though!!
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

evilsm's picture

I like to refer to it as "going snap bitch". On occasion when the moon is right and the tide is high I just loose my faculties for a moment and with yell at anyone for even a minor issue. I have yelled at the dog, the bkids the skids or even DH. I usually don't let things get to me but on once my cup is full then Katie bar the door cause I am going to let loose on someone.

I hope that does not mean I am bipolar. lol


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

Amazed's picture

oh my gawd you're making me laugh at my desk with this one! Too good! my tummy hurts now from laughing! Smile

~“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone"~ Audrey Hepburn