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New to this and dealing with a lot...

BlueSkies08's picture


Okay, so here's my story. I met my fiancé 7 years ago. We decided to not rush into marriage because I was putting myself through college and we had a lot going on in general. We were happy and everything was going great, so we didn't feel the pressure to have a little piece of paper say that we were together. But, we did know that we eventually did want to get married. So, here we are 7 years later and ready to say "I Do." However, there is one little...wait, it's actually a big hiccup in our plan and relationship...his 17 year old daughter...

A little over a year and a half ago, DF's (Dear Fiancé) daughter came back into his life, she was 16 years old at the time. I was so happy because I knew how much DF loved and missed FSD. The BM had moved away with FSD and DF hadn't seen her in over 8 years. So it was a sweet and touching reunion. BUT, there was a catch...the only reason why BM allowed FSD to contact DF was because something bad happened to FSD...her stepdad...well, I'll just leave it at that. I'm sure you can take a good guess....

So, there we were, 5 years into our relationship and DF's daughter comes into our lives. Things went good at first and they both reconnected like no time had passed. But things couldn't continue to go that smoothly could they...FSD's behavior was out of control...she got into a fight at school and ended up getting expelled, she was self-harming, she was taking pictures she shouldn't have been, and just a bad attitude over all. So, we had court to go through for the fight at school and also for what happened to her by her stepdad (aka a**hole) the way, stepdad is no longer around, at all (thank goodness).

FSD's behavior continued to get worse and BM said that FSD could no longer live with her because of how FSD was acting. (BM has 2 little girls from stepdad) BM just couldn't deal with FSD's behavior because the little half-sisters were starting to act the same way... So, BM asked if FSD could move in with us. Now, let me add that we sent FSD away this past summer (court ordered) to a 30 day wilderness experience that is geared toward helping troubled teenage girls. So, once FSD got back, she moved in with us.

FSD has been living with us for 6 months so far and to say the least, I now have wonderful gray hair to show for it. It has been one thing after another with FSD...I feel like going out into the middle of nowhere and just screaming! I honestly don't know where to even really begin.

FSD's behavior seemed to improve once she moved in with us. We got her registered for school, which turned into her going to a school/work program because she is behind in school and would end up graduating at the age of 21 if she stayed in "normal" high school. So, with this program FSD will graduate at the age of 19. But she is far behind on so many levels...

It is a constant every week that I will either get a call or email from her teacher/supervisor at school/work. She just isn't working or doing her school work that is assigned. I don't know what to do...DF and I have had numerous talks with her but nothing seems to work...I really don't want to be the "evil" stepmom....but I feel like I have in order to get FSD to listen.

I'm not sure if any of that makes sense because my mind is going a mile a minute...There has been a lot going on and I've been holding in a lot since I do not really have anyone to talk to about this. I know I have DF, but because it is his daughter...I don't feel like I can really "let loose."


~A frustrated Soon-to-be-Stepmom...


BlueSkies08's picture

Thank you for that. Yeah, I didn't realize there were abbreviations/standards for things. This is the first time I've ever posted on any type of blog/forum thing.