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That old b*tch is everywhere!

BlueberrysBaby's picture

OK, bad enough she's in my life for as long as I can stand it (IF you know what I mean...), she's been stalking me online for the last two years, now via Facebook, I've got my own MIL inviting her to family events, etc. etc. etc. All the usual BS.

But today just corked it for me. I went to do a little family research online on a genealogy website and there was an entry from 10 f-ing years ago (a year after they divorced, mind you) where she's inquiring about the family name, posting her kids' and my husband's name online, even his dad's name. It hasn't BEEN her name for 11 years, (she still uses it of course) and there she is, like a bad penny, always turning up. I can't get away from her!!!!!! Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, did I forget to mention I'm talking about the BM? Pppbbbttt. Did I have to?

Blah blah blah vent vent vent. Thanks for listening!


namaste123's picture

How do you know if someone is stalking you on facebook? :?

4ofus's picture

I would like to know that as well

DISbelief's picture

Every where I turn... there she is. Like a bad dream.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

4ofus's picture

Double post. Reading from my phone!

EvilDiva's picture

is the sweetest, most naive woman on the planet. She still cherished EW. So about 2 years ago, we were at MIL/FIL due to a snow day with the kids, including skids. Who shows up to hang out with MIL, EW. I excused myself to the car to get a gift for someone. When I returned, she was leaving. Hugged everyone and talked about how she was so glad to see everybody and couldn't wait to get together soon.

Couple of days later, MIL sends me an email apologizing for that awkward mess. I was hot b/c skids admitted how MIL and EW would hang out for hours on end (both are teachers and talk about work etc). Although I was mad, I knew there was nothing I could do as it's MIL's home. So I responded and told MIL, not to worry about it, sh*t happens but since it was quite awkward, that my visits would be few and far between. And I did just that, which of course indirectly kept her son/H away as he won't go 10 feet unless I am in tow. So after a couple of months of no visits, she called and apologized and told me that she had told EW she had to call before coming over and it would only be to drop off/pick up the grandkids.

Hey, it worked, but lately I am wondering if any of my small victories really even matter in the end.

Evil Diva
formerly angeliabb

BlueberrysBaby's picture

Well, in this case, I guess I'm using the state's definition of harassment, which is unwanted contact. She wrote to me, I didn't reply, but blocked her. So she started writing to all my inlaws, asking them to contact me. Something is wrong with the blocking feature because I can still see some of her posts to my friends - I don't know if she can see mine, but will be p*ssed if she can because I talk about my baby with my inlaws and that's none of her "beeswax."

I blocked her at my work email a couple years ago. Something came up with the skids and I emailed her, so she got a new personal email address, to which she sent invites from all of her "professional networking" sites (btw, she's a clerk, wtf is she doing networking...?) Anyhoo - it seems if I lock the door, she will try to slither in through the window. That to me feels like stalking.

Blueberry's Baby