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Vacation drama

blessedwithstress's picture

Five years ago DH and I took DS2, SS10 and SD11 to Disney World. I was pregnant with our second child at the time. We had a great time. Lots of fun memories made. Within 2 years the skids went again with their BM and AGAIN with their HS band. DH promised that the next time we went it would just be us and our own littles. At that particular time DH had no qualms about not including the skids since they had literally been there 3 times in less than 2 years – pretty damn lucky for a pair of kids if you ask me. Now we have a trip planned as we agreed – no skids, just the four of us. We have scrimped and saved and done just about everything we can to be frugal about taking this trip because we know it won’t happen again for quite a while. We want to take the littles while they are still young enough for Disney to be magical. Thing is, DH is now torn and overwhelmed with guilt about not including the skids. Before we put a deposit on the trip DH asked if we could get a quote from the travel agent for all six of us to go. Big surprise – it was nearly double and way out of our price range. So he gave up on that idea and settled on our original plan.

I have been planning and budgeting and doing everything I can for months to make sure we get every ounce of fun out of this trip as possible while spending as little as possible. I’m super excited about taking the littles. DS6 doesn’t remember much about the last trip and DS4 wasn’t even born yet so it will be a completely new experience for him. I’m also 100% guilt free in my mind about not taking the skids. We’ve given them so many more experiences and ‘things’ than the littles - partly because they’ve been around longer, partly because of DHs irrational dad guilt. If DH had his way we would probably not go because all of us can’t go. All that says to me is that it’s ok to make the rest of the family suffer and miss out for the sake of the skids. I’m sorry, but I don’t see why my own BKs should live less of a life so that the skids can have it better. (this is a recurring theme in our household) To assuage his guilt, DH has now mandated that we will take a week-long trip to Washington DC next year to ‘make it up’ to the older kids. I’m all for going to DC. Should be fun and the littles will probably love the Smithsonian. But considering how many concerts and summer camps and various other special things we’ve done for the skids, I don’t think there is anything to make up for. We bend over backwards to include them in literally EVERYTHING else we do as a family. This trip is the exception to the hard-and-fast rule.

Maybe I’m a monster for not hesitating to leave them out this one time.  I do care about my skids. I support them and do just about everything for them that I would do for my BKs. I’ll admit that I don’t feel the same kind of warm fuzzies for them as I do my BKs – there is a certain level of detachment. But I’m not a heartless b*tch. They are good kids that don’t give us much trouble and I appreciate how rare that can be.

I read an article about how there can be multiple sub-families within a blended family. Like – when the skids are over, we are a family of six. When they are at their BMs, it doesn’t mean we are an incomplete family. We are just a sub-family of four. Both families are valid and whole. It was reassuring to know that someone else out there could understand this. I just wish my DH was one of them...


ESMOD's picture

In a way, I really think you should not "count" the trip the kids took with BM.. you didn't pay for that.. and what the kids do with mom? that shouldn't be a factor in what your husband does with his kids.

The trip you could take into account would be that band trip if you guys (dh) made a fairly big contribution to them going on that.

All in all, taking a 15 and a 16 year old with two under 10 kids is a bit of a tough mix.  There are going to be very different interests and stamina levels.  Logistically, it doesn't make sense really. 

So, if the Skids start to whine.. they can be reminded that

1.  I took you when you were that age remember? This is the younger kid's turn.

2.  We also paid for you to go on that band trip.. so that is actually 2 trips you took on us.. This is the first for the younger kids.

Now, you don't let DH go all disney.. but it would probably be nice if you could figure out a way to take a family trip including ALL the kids in the next couple of years.. before the older ones are out of the home.  You could do something where you rent an Airbnb house or something where the cost of the extra kids isn't prohibitive.. maybe a road trip to save on transportation etc..

I do agree with the sub-unit concept to an extent.. but I don't think it should be used as an excuse for the SM to advocate for doing a lot of high profile and fun things with "JUST" her kids and excluding other kids.  This trip?  may be justified given the history that DH took them on one trip and paid for another.. but ever time no.

Thisisnotus's picture

I sort of disagree that it doesn't count what they do with BM. My skids go on alot of trips with BM and my own kids go on alot of trips wth my far we've done one big trip a year with everyone and will continue that.......our bio DD doesn't go on any extra she may only be 1....but I know for sure that not every trip to Disney or Universal or a Cruise is going to include all of the kids....

I'm strategic though.....I wait for BM to tell DH she is taking the kids somewhere and if  it aligns to when my kids are with their father.....I make a plan for DH, me and our DD.....DH has less guilt that way.....but I still can't get him to agree to Disney without all of the kids........that will have to change when our DD is older.....

ITB2012's picture

BM here definitely "counted" trips we took the kids on. And there's no reason each parent has to take the kids on the same vacation. That's ridiculous, competitive, and sets up really horrible expectations all around.

ESMOD's picture

I still don't think you can count the other kid's trips with the other parents.. though timing in proximity can ease some of the sting.

Theoretically though..

Skids and your other bios each have two bio parents that can take them places.. so that means trips with mom and trips with dad... two trips.

your Bio between the two of you.. well.. that is one trip from dad.. and one trip from mom.. so maybe your bio gets a few extra trips between you.. but you are still pretty equitably paying for trips for your own bio kids.. it just turns out the one with both bios in the same home experiences more trips in that home.. because they don't have you two split up in different homes.

But, as far as counting that the kids went on vacay with your EX 10 times? doesn't mean you have to make up for that in your home.. what they do is fairly irrelevant.


blessedwithstress's picture

ESMOD - I can see what you're saying about not taking what they do with their BM into consideration. You have a point. The way I'm seeing it is that the skids have have far more opportunities to do fun and exciting things than the littles have. We have been married for nearly 10 years (and together 2 before that) so I'm aware of all of the stuff they've done/acquired since they were the same age as our littles. They have been spoiled by most standards. We have been limited in what we can do for the littles because of other financial burdens we bear, many related to the skids (see my first blog post). We did shell out over $1300 for their band trip, by the way. And your comment about it being a tough mix was definitely on my mind. I wasn't about to agree to pay an extra $4-5,000 so they could split off from the herd as soon as we passed through the gates of the Magic Kingdom. 

I definitely do not plan on excluding them from family events on a regular basis. If anything I try VERY hard to make sure they CAN be included because I know how much it means to DH. The sub-unit concept merely validated my feeling that we can still be whole with just the four of us the same way we are whole with six. DH struggles with that...a the detriment of our family life as four. 

Thank you for your input!

Thisisnotus's picture

OH girl. I feel you!!!! Your DH is going to have to learn to get over it. I have yet to see if mine can b/c I have yet to really test the waters......but in my case...DH will get over it or else....there is no alternative since we now share a child. .and I have 3 older if I can get over it...he can.....

What I can tell you is that DH and I took our bioDD who is 1 to Build a Bear......and SD16 and SD12 now think that their father owes them a trip to Build a Bear. What???

I am a huge Disney trust me I feel your pain. 

advice.only2's picture

I see nothing wrong with you guys taking this trip sans skids. Seeing as usually most trips in blended families get taken with the skids can be there.

We used to take trips without Spawn and DH would fret and feel bad,until I showed him Meth Mouth's fakebook page, full of family trips that Spawn was going on that she never told DH about.

nengooseus's picture

Step families aren't about equality.  They can't be.  There is no equality when circumstances aren't equal, an in your case, they're not.  The skids are older, they're older than your bios, etc.  I don't know the time sharing, but that's a factor, too, in most cases.  We have to stay focused on equity...  Is everyone getting what they need?

I'll be honest, I don't vacation with skids at all.  I refuse.  We tried it a few times and it was so awful that I said never again.  SS is hellbent on being miserable and he makes everyone else unhappy in the process.

The first time we went on a vacation without them (and with bio DD, who is 100% with us), it was Disney, and I'm not gonna lie, DH struggled with guilt about it.  There was a breakdown in the American Experience at Epcot, in fact. 

It comes down to math, in many ways...  The skids are 35% in our home and 65% with BM.  65% of the time, they're doing things that he isn't doing with them.  That doesn't mean that he needs to make up for that when they're with us.  It just means that they will have a life without him and vacation without him, etc., and he has to learn to be OK with that.

ITB2012's picture

He wants to take a 16 and 15 year old to Disney? With two little kids? You'd split up anyway because the kids would want to do different things based on their ages or one set of kids would be doing a lot of sitting around waiting for the other set of kids. Sounds like a nightmare.

If he's being peevish, don't take him. Take your kids, invite your mom or some other relative who'd be helpful.

STaround's picture

Of course, everyone is valid.  But many parents are not going to want to take a big vacation, eat up vacation time, and not take all their kids.

Of course, ALL kids bear the brunt of there being more than just two kids in the famly.   Money gets divided amongst more kids

Siemprematahari's picture

Thing is, DH is now torn and overwhelmed with guilt about not including the skids.

Not much you can do about his "guilt" but I'd remind him that he made a promise to you.....that the next time it would be just you both and the littles and you will hold him to his word. You will not entertain his guilty daddy syndrome and you shouldn't have to.

To assuage his guilt, DH has now mandated that we will take a week-long trip to Washington DC next year to ‘make it up’ to the older kids.

He wants to plan a vacation including your step kids that's fine but I don't see why he has to "make it up". What exactly is he making up? The fact that they already went to Disney 3 times and didn't go a 4th? They go to trips with there mother as well so why is he trippin'? It's not like he doesn't include them in anything. He has to work out within himself why he feels guilt and get passed that as this impacts you and his other children in some way, shape, & form.

I'd stand my ground with his promise and not let up. Wishing you a wonderful trip!

SM with BM from hell's picture

I logged on just to comment on this blog. DH and I just took our 6 year old boys to Disney this summer. We also have SD18 and DS17, who we left at home. Like your skids, we took DS and SD when they were little. Neigh of us felt one ounce of guilt for leaving them and not taking them. When you have kids with such a big age gap there are going to be times when everyone is not included. Have fun on your trip.

susanm's picture

So when he takes the older ones to the super-scary haunted house, he is going to take the little ones, right?  That should be fun!  And when he takes the older ones to visit colleges, he is going to take the littles too.  What a great bonding experience!  Everything should be equal and age-appropriate experiences with parents are completely unnecessary because the important thing is that no one should ever feel left out of anything.  (eyeroll)

blessedwithstress's picture

susanm - That is one of the points I've tried to make to DH. For example, he has taken the skids to 3 concerts in the last year - concerts by artists that the littles love and would have been jealous not to attend had we told them what they were missing. Would these concerts have been age-appropriate? No, not really, but there are still components of the outing that they would have enjoyed had they not been excluded. If there's nothing wrong with that situation, I don't see why the Disney situation is so different. (apart from the amount of money invovled)

SteppedOut's picture

So he is "ok" doing stuff just with skids but not with just your littles? 

Yea, that would rub me raw. 

Monkeysee's picture

It’s not possible for everything to be equal in blended families. The circumstances aren’t equal, so this whole need to ‘make things up’ is ridiculous. That mentality breeds entitlement, and yes I think trips with BM should count. Not because of the cost factor, but because they’re freaking lucky to be taken on a trip at all, and not ‘owed’ when one of their parents does something without them.

This happens even in intact families. There were trips my mum took my little sister on without the rest of us, father son trips my dad took my brother on, and trips my older sister & I got to take without our younger siblings.  My parents never ‘made it up’ to the rest of us when this happened. They didn’t ‘owe’ us anything. 

Also, why should the rest of you be held hostage by the skids availability, if they’re on holiday with their BM why not take a trip at that time with your BK’s if possible? Why should one part of the family have to wait around & plan everything around the skids? Life isn’t fair, trying to keep everything equal & fair, again, just breeds entitlement. I’d rather my BK’s grow up knowing & respecting that sometimes they’ll get more & sometimes they’ll get less, and to appreciate what they get instead of holding their hands out demanding the world & pitching a fit when someone else gets something they don’t. 

bananaseedo's picture

I hated this. SD has always found a way to take multiple trips a year, with BM, bm's family, friends and their families....I have taken her multiple times. One year I had enough-she had come over to ask her dad for money for a beach trip w/a friend for a week.  

We had been planning a week in FL-since I was footing the bill mostly I advised him unless he wanted to pay her fair share, we're going w/my boys and he's welcome to join us or stay back.  He joined us.  Yes, he had guilt until I reminded him how many trips his daughter took that year somehow to my kids just one??   Of course in-laws had to call mid trip to guilt trip him about it and I went OFF on my MIL via text.  I was done.  It totally bred entitlement in her.  Somehow for two broke as* parents she always ended up with more of everything -clothes, trips-vacations-christmas/bday gifts- then both my sons combined and I earn a decent living.  

I will likely never have a vacation w/her again-we've contemplated now that they are older to book a cabin or beach house-but I already know who will get blessed w/the biggest part of the bill-so yeah-nope.


HowBoutScottyDont's picture

Things don't have to be even amongst all your kids, bio or step, just fair. And fairness cannot always be guaranteed. Nevertheless, you and DH are trying to be fair. You are including the skids in lots of trips, and supporting their age-appropriate activities.

I would not feel guilty about this trip with your young Bios. This will be a special experience for them. If skids ask why they were not included, be honest - that you are already paying for skids to do XYZ, and therefore want to treat Bios to Disney so that they also get something special... and cannot afford for everyone to do everything.

blessedwithstress's picture

The skids DO know about this trip. I personally sat them down one-on-one before we put a deposit down and asked flat out if they would feel any extreme resentment toward us if we took this trip without them. I even told them that DH had mixed feelings. They were both very cool about it and said, while it was a bummer they couldn't all go together, they understood where we were coming from - the cost, the fact that they'd been there 3 times and the littles hadn't - SD17 even brought up the fact that their BM was planning a trip without them at one point and was going to take their half sister...and they were fine about that too! Mostly they were geeked at the prospect of house-sitting for us while we were gone and enjoying some quiet time and independence. I mean, THAT response soothed any misgivings I may have had. Plus we promised to bring them back some nice souvenirs. Wink

Thisisnotus's picture

Okay so even *I* would now feel guilty reading this particular post. You are going on vacation without them AND leaving them in the house alone while they send you guys off to the most magical place on earth and they house sit? I figured they would be with this case I couldn't do it....and I would feel major guilt....if it were MY bio kids...and while I wouldn't feel guilty for skids if they were the ones left behind....but I would feel guilt for my DH having to leave them behind.. ( way in hell would I leave them behind in this situation.




blessedwithstress's picture

I understand where you're coming from. They probably won't spend every single minute there alone, though. SD17 has a car and will likley be doing stuff with her friends. Same with SS16. Plus they'll be in school They mostly agreed to be there often enough to let the dogs out and make sure the house doesn't burn down. Plus we gave them permission to have friends spend the night (as long as no shenanigans occured) which sweetened the deal. They are trustworthy kids and we have friends who live close by who can keep tabs on them if necessary. BM lives less than 3 miles away, too.

Thisisnotus's picture

okay fair enough back at you! That actually sounds like a great deal for a couple of teens!! also, please remember that my SD16 acts about 7 years no way in hell would she ever be okay with the stay home option.....where my 16DD would be ALL OVER IT!


ESMOD's picture

Wait WHAT??? You are leaving a 17 yo and a 15 yo in the house with no supervision????

Are you concerned about parties?  Boys spending the night? 


Harry's picture

SK been there three times.  Your Bio kids are at the age where it’s truly magical.  Have fun with them.  They are only at this age once. If your DH wants yo save for a trip to Washington DC next year that great.  Everything is not fair.  You can not have that age difference and be fair,  older SK don’t want to go to leggo land. Or the North Pole. Where bio are that age they will enjoy that. 

SMto2's picture

Well, this post just took an unexpected turn! I was planning to log in to commiserate about how awful it is to watch SKs go on vacation after vacation financed by DH's money (it's a little hard not to "count" those!) and have bios miss out and then be told you must take all the SKs on ALL your vacays. I totally relate and have lived this situation. And THEN I read the comment about the underaged teenage SKs "house sitting" to give them a little "freedom" to sweeten the pot of not being included in the trip (and believe me, I can understand not taking them) but WOW!  I know you weren't asking for "advice" about that, but I would NEVER leave underaged teenagers alone in my home for any extended period, even overnight. The things they could get into that could lead to liabililty for YOU are running through my head!!. The scenarios I could come up with are endless, and all are reasonably foreseeable with unsupervised teenagers. I imagine nothing could ruin a trip to the Happiest Place on Earth like learning there's been death and/or destruction at your home for which people are going to try to hold you responsible. (Never mind the prospect of "hooking up" and other things that might go on in an empty house.) While maybe you'll go away and nothing will happen, there's no way I could enjoy myself under these circumstances. If I were you, I'd see my agent to make sure I had PLENTY of insurance. and that it covered punitive damages.

blessedwithstress's picture

While that is a rather morbid scenario to envision, you are right, it is technically possible. At the same time, we're basing our decision on the track record these teens have cultivated over the years. SD17 has house-sat for friends and family before. This situation no different. I'm assuming they'll spend a grand total of 5-6 waking hours at the house each day, the majority of which will be during the school week when they'll need to get enough sleep to function. They'll have one evening out of the whole week where there won't be school the next day. Plus I'm assuming the nights days that would normally have belonged to BM are nights that they will only check on the house and not actually stay there. SD17 is a senior who has her eye on a prestigious college and would rather cut her arm off than jeopardize her chances of getting in. Considering their history, the odds of them making reckless decisions while we are gone are slim - especially with the way BM constantly keeps in contact with SD17. But you make a good point about liablilty. Perhaps it would be wise to have a chat with our agent before leaving to ensure our bases are covered. 

ITB2012's picture

And you would not have offered house sitting if you did not trust them. 

We have had DS house sit. Everything was fine.

and I’m sure the two teens are a bit relieved not to have to follow two toddlers around for a couple days