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Help! My husband's son is coming to stay with us!

Bface's picture

My "stepson" is coming to stay with us for an undesignated amount of time. This is no joke...he disrupts our life! He won't eat what we do and acts like what I cook has been tainted. He has very strange ideas about anything and everything he eats, drinks or allows on his body while here. He doesn't talk unless he has to. Only if he is asked a direct question that he wants to answer will he say anything. Thank you, please and may I are not in his vocabulary. It is so painful to cook organic, vegitarian meals and have them picked at or refused. Especially knowing that he will eat vegitarian food at just about any restaurant and finish his meal. I can't please him, so I'm going to have to stop trying. I'm going to practically live at the library during his stay, just so I won't have to suffer through the discomfort and tension in our home while he is here. I'm in Grad school and it won't hurt if I study more... Does anyone out there have a skid that has these kind of "issues"?


Totalybogus's picture

I was totally on board with you until you said that you only cook vegitarian meals. Not everyone chooses this eating style, especially children. In this case, would it really hurt to fix him something he would consider normal, like a hamburger or something?

Bface's picture

He won't eat anything but vegitarian. I have tried to adjust when he visits and cook vegitarian. I don't always buy organic, which he prefers, because it is so expensive. But the restaurants don't use all organic ingredients either. Neither does the couple he lives with and works for on their organic farm. Did I mention that he is 24 yrs old?

Totalybogus's picture

Nope you didn't mention it.... my answer was strictly based on the information provided. Also, it is a bit confusing when you say that you cook vegetarian, organic food and it is painful when he doesn't eat it. You didn't say that was his preference.

The fact that the GUY is 24 years old is a big difference either way.

zenjetset's picture

i think you need to continue to live your lifestyle and consider his taste and lifestyle when cooking. Maybe you make two meals - whatever. don't impose your lifestyle on this child. Children are bad eaters and fussy regardless what you cook or eat. Sometimes it's not the food that they have the issue with it's the fact that YOU MADE IT and therefore if they like it or love it they will be saying they like you and they are being unloyal to mommy. You need to think this is not about you it's also not about them it's about meeting in the middle. You have your lifestyle and eating habits the children have theirs. Respect it!!

Bface's picture

I answered another response that was similar...It's us doing the adapting, not him.
He's 24 yrs old, works on an organic farm, eats non-organic when ordering at restaurants or for the room and board he works for at the farm. Acts like the 10 yr old you describe...

zenjetset's picture

OMG I didn't realize he was 24yo. He needs to do his own cooking, buying and everything. At 24yo I was living alone and supporting myself. My parents did nothing, in fact they lived in another state. WTF? Sorry disregard everything I said above, he should be supporting himself and his lifestyle at 24.