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H's weekend here-and no mention of SD17.

bewitched's picture

In fact, I haven't seen or heard from her since I sent her the email. If you read that email, you'll remember I gave her an opportunity to apologize and change her behaviour. Evidently she'd rather just stay away, than own up to her actions. Which is fine by me. She'll be 18 in May. I've told H that when she reaches 18 she is coming off of my auto insurance policy. It's Time for her to grow up. H can go see her when he picks up SD14, who is going to spend the weekend here.

Good news is I've crammed and crammed and nearly done with Anatomy & Physiology. I'll finish in plenty of time to get credit for the course.

I'm getting my hopes up-I found a company that is opening a new business and will be hiring around May or June the 1st. And I think my A & P might help me get a job with them, as it is dealing with hospitals and insurance companies. I used to sell P & C insurance, so maybe....

It's 30 miles away, but that's ok. Because I would still be able to live here and do something for Mom and Dad. I checked into getting paid to help them, as there are some programs available for that; however, my folks assets/income is too high to qualify.


Most Evil's picture

Isn't it weird how some SDs would rather not play if there are any rules?!! I know the feeling. Oh well!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin