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Back at the ranch...

bewitched's picture

Thanks for all the responses about school. I've decided to finish this course, at least. Because it is a prereq for ANYTHING available (school wise) in the medical field. That's not to say I can get thru the 2 year course beginning in the fall. Am calling about financial aide today, just to check the lay of the land.

But, have you ever heard of this? Remember, H SWORE to me he had his finances in order before we married?

Then we had the fight because I would put his 7 years worth of past due taxes on HIS house on MY credit card?

So, yesterday, H decides it's time to rebuild his credit. He applies for a secured credit card. Guess what happens next? You got it-H was turned down. Flat. OMG.

Have you ever known someone to be refused a $300 secured credit card? Especially when that someone has been earning over $70,000/yr for the last 3 years???

Just write FOOL on my forehead. H has known me for some time and knows how important my credit rating is too me...and this man who said his finances were all inorder, can't get a secured card????


Brooklynne's picture

Something like that is easy to hide from a partner before marriage. It's not like you were going through all his financial stuff to make sure what he was telling you was true. So how could you have known? Obviously his credit is completely in the gutter if he can't even obtain a secured card. (Aren't those the cards that you pay those outlandish deposits on before you can get it?)

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you are sticking with finishing the course. You should still be able to get some sort of student loan at the very least to finish your school. If I were you, I wouldn't even tell your H that you got a student loan if you're able to get one. Place that money in a separate account with only your name attached so he can't get his hot little hands on it and pay off his back taxes with it!!

Brooklynne's picture

I would get a copy of his, if possible, and also one of yours. It's possible that since you married him, your credit could have been negatively affected. It's time to see how bad things really are with him. You don't want him to pull you down with him!

You don't want to go through what my BF went through because of his ex. A month after they got married, his insurance company, that he had been with since he was old enough to drive, dropped him after he added her to his insurance because she had numerous tickets and a suspended license on her driving record.(which he knew nothing about). Not long after that, she went out and bought a house AND a tanning business in his name without his consent! Then when the time came that he left her, she went out and forged his name on a bunch of company checks and cashed them for large amounts, essentially cleaning him out! He lost everything, left with only the clothes on his back, and had to file bankruptcy. She singlehandly ruined his credit that took him his entire life to build! It took him our entire relationship (almost 4 years) to get himself back together and his credit in good standing. I really don't want that to happen to you!

Sasha's picture

First, protect your will be glad you did. Staying in school is a good may be a struggle but it's only temporary, and you will be rewarded on the other side. When you complete your course and land your first job, you will be so proud of yourself and so glad you hung in there!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

to my account numbers, etc. The strange thing is, he's got plenty of cash. I don't mean wealthy, but a sum the amounts to nearly a years wage for me at my prior jobs.

So why in world would he insist on putting that on my credit card?

I admit, I was floored when I found out he couldn't even get a secured card. Never heard of such a thing-even in all my years of banking.

I'm doing what I can to keep my credit clear of him. My cards are in my name only, there is no 2nd card for them. I will be filing tax returns, married, filing seperately.

He will not ruin my credit.

Brooklynne, how did she get away with the forged checks? I don't know the law in your state, but in this state the bank is liable for cashing or depositing forged checks. I actually caught a forger at my windown (bank teller) once. I had an officer immediately call the police. This indiviudal (the forger) had already cashed %500.00 worth of checks at another bank. That bank was required to give restitution to the victim for the amount of the checks. So how did your bf's ex get away with that?

Brooklynne's picture

He was just trying to leave as fast as he could. I can't remember all the details, but there was a reason that he couldn't press charges against the bank (I think by the time he was trying to recover losses, the bank had closed) Plus, what had me floored, he didn't file charges against her at first!! He just wanted to be free of her as fast as possible even at this great expense! So now, the statute of limitations has run out on this, and he can never press charges. This isn't the ex's first rodeo when it comes to forgery or passing bogus checks. She had been arrested for the exact same thing prior to their marriage! Somehow, she managed to get out of it without having to do any time for it.