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Bella4's Blog

Tell Me What You Think (Part 2)

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Hi Everyone! I wrote in last April about my boyfriend's 27 y.o. daughter and her husband moving in with us "temporarily" after she graduated college and they relocated. Her dad wanted to help get them on their feet but left me out of the decision making process for the most part. Most of you advised me to move my money or move out entirely, so I wanted to give you all an update on our summer from Hell! Before they arrived in June, she assured her father they would both get "part-time summer" jobs.

Tell me what you think!

Bella4's picture

I need some advice from other step-parents, seriously! I live with my SO & we share household expenses equally. His 27 year old married daughter is graduating from college and wants to move back into our home rent free & bill free indefinintely along with her husband and three cats. The two of them are not good housekeepers at all! I met her once and she seemed like a lovely girl, however, once I moved in with her dad her attitude changed and now not even common courtesies come from her side. No plan is in place and nothing has been discussed with me.